Monday, 21 September 2020

Martin Armstrong guilty as charged for Contempt of Court because of his hiding coins based on the latest news

When Martin Armstrong got out of jail, the very first thing that he did was to try to "clear" his name. He even got (or probably paid) some movie makers to make a movie to clear his name. As good as he was in making up all the documented failed predictions, he is very good in this endeavor too.

But the truth eventually always comes out. He may be able to cheat most people most of the time, but you cannot cheat all the people all the time.

The funny thing is that Martin Armstrong essentially admitted that he hid precious coins worth $8 million away from court asset seizure meant to repay the investors who lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Read this for yourself: "Cult Economist Jailed for Hiding Rare Coins Says They’re His Now"

Let's establish some facts based on the above article:

1. Armstrong was jailed for contempt in the court because he refused to turn over the assets.
2. Based on what the day laborer said, he found them while clearing out a house, apparently hidden away from court after seizure of assets.
3. Armstrong is claiming ownership of these rare coins.

Okay, Armstrong obviously was in possession of the rare coins at one point in time BEFORE he was jailed. The coins would be part of the assets that should have gone back to the investors who lost money by investing with Armstrong.

Well, I must say that after years of doubting the fairness of United States court, and naively believing the one-sided story from Armstrong, and thinking that just maybe Armstrong may be innocent at some 20% chance, now I can conclusively say that for myself:

Martin Armstrong was GUILTY as charged by US courts!

Readers, you should THINK for yourself, and don't take my opinions as yours. ALWAYS independently THINK for yourself.

P.S. As for the conclusion of this story: The money eventually went to the receivership for the investors defrauded by Armstrong, and Armstrong had to pay Heritage $291,439.30 compensation:



The Martin Armstrong Scam on Zero Hedge

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