We have constructed the First Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System Correlating the Entire World Economy 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. There is simply nothing like this model in the financial world....
We are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia, which is the fastest Supercomputer in the world with 16 thousand trillion calculations per second monitoring everything that beats and moves worldwide. You can put your entire portfolio into the system and it will monitor everything far more intensely than any human staff are even capable of accomplishing and without the risk of pure opinion.....
Time Share slots will be available at $5 million up to $100 million annually depending upon the size and international scope of the portfolio. Our actual annual cost just in energy to run such a system is in excess of $6 million.....
This page can be also be viewed at the WayBack Machine, dated October 11th, 2012
Institutional Time Share
The glaringly obvious problem is that IBM Sequoia is a project contracted by the US Government Department of Energy. That unique project and hardware configuration certainly wasn't made available for any other commercial purposes.
According to Wikipedia, Sequoia is used for energy and scientific research
(i.e. academic institutions only). It is a single custom computer installation - not an IBM model that anyone could buy.
Armstrong claims that, HIS annual cost just in energy is in excess of $6 million. It is the same number reported by Time, except that it's the full energy cost of the Sequoia super-computer. Based on the same Time article, only researchers get to submit their proposal to run on Sequoia. And yet, Martin Armstrong's team are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia.
I have never heard of any instances where the USA government actually sells spare capacity of their equipment to the public let alone close to 100%. What is the chance that Armstrong's Socrates can be run on Sequoia? I would say that it is ZERO.
Not only that, Martin Armstrong's energy cost of $6 million is at about 86% to 100% of the capacity of Sequoia (total energy cost for Sequoia is $6 to $7 million). What is the chance that the US government allows Martin Armstrong taking 86% to 100% of the capacity? I would say that is is FOR SURE IMPOSSIBLE.
So it is a big lie, a confidence trick. To boost his credibility, Armstrong simply makes outlandish claims for his "Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System", while his Socrates is not even a system, still plotting charts using bar-height without numbers in timing arrays which need human guesswork for interpretation.
If running software on a super-computer is a lie, and his office is a lie, and his readers' comments are lies, what would preclude Martin Armstrong from lying about any of his forecasting "successes"?
Read more:
Martin Armstrong : His Socrates AI Supercomputer is a 1985 DOS Program
The Reversal System - Engineering Perspective
Socrates and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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