The Martin Armstrong Scam for Dummies

This page was created for some people who still argued with me after I had provided them the links to this site (which contains over 100 pages) such as Armstrong Economics - The Scam Business Model Exposé.

It would be pointless to argue because everything that could possibly be discussed has already been discussed on this site before in great detail. There is nothing new. Martin Armstrong always follows the same script of deception. It is so simple it is embarrassing. And you perhaps even fell for it.

Price Prediction

Typically, some people would have found some chart that Armstrong or one or one of his shills cherry-picked, and they would use it to decide whether Armstrong's predictions are right or wrong. Or they are already amazed that some chart has matched the actual movement.

I call that single observation statistics because it is so utterly ridiculous. So with this, I have already covered 80% of cases.

As the next thing, I am going to repeat here the Economic Confidence Model ECM. In short, it is Pi * 1000 / 365 = 8.6 years, which coincidentally is the average duration between a selection of small number of market crashes. Martin Armstrong found that in a library. He makes his price predictions using this formula.

He thought that he had found the magic cycle formula and could trade currencies - based on that, his Reversal System and his Forecast Arrays. He calls the combination of those Socrates. And he did trade with it! That is how he lost the $700 million stolen from investors, that crime that earned him 11 years jail time. With that, you know how bad the ECM and everything else is.

Martin Armstrong realized he lost the plot but he wanted to get even nevertheless. Before he went to jail, during his time on bail, he stashed away $15 million of stolen money.

Because he knew that his system did not work for him, he decided to sell it to us. The reason is simple: He had first duped himself. So he could reasonably assume that his clients would fall for the same plausible ideas. You may say you don't want to buy it but nevertheless, you may still be discussing his ideas, so that fact is still relevant.

He used part of that stolen money to fine-tune this system to be fit as a subscription service, and to be ambiguous enough as to be infallible in hindsight, after the event. Knowing very well that it is useless for prediction, that nothing can be predicted with it.

Here I give only one example to prove all of the above. 

Forecasters MUST have models. Like weather models. In short, such models always mimic some parts of the system they are designed to be a mirror image of.

Martin Armstrong doesn't  have ANY model! Yes, no model! The ECM is NOT a predictive model! Here is the simple hard proof:

In the RealVision interview  Interview with Martin Armstrong (an interview that is possibly the best Armstrong interview available on the entire internet), Raoul Pal asks him at 18:01

So how do you know where we are in terms of the big cycle?

Martin Armstrong cannot answer that question. Instead we get Roman history.

That is the ultimate proof that Martin Armstrong is absolutely clueless, and that he does not have any confidence whatsoever in his forecasting ability. I suggest you watch his body language during this interview, where he always gets into an extremely defensive posture the moment when Raoul Pal asks him a question, and then dodges the question.

He is a coward, a pure salesman, a pure conman, one of the biggest fraudsters in history.

To anyone who wants to discuss Armstrong's virtues with me: Don't waste my time.

There is much more. As can be expected from an elaborate scam, a predatory business that he refined for decades. You cannot expect to grasp this in a minute. If you could, then it would be too simple to be effective. It took me three years a) to trap the criminal b) to expose and document his methods and c) to run effective campaigns to neutralize his business, his criminal network.

If you don't trust me, then please check out that Martin Armstrong pioneer investigator who basically came to the same conclusions as me, but years before me: sloanf exposes Scammer Martin Armstrong in 2016 

For the final proof of how ridiculous Martin Armstrong's claims are, take a snapshot in January 2023, where he should be trading successfully using his own methods. Instead, he is trying to sell rusty nails for $125 a piece via email order. He is so broke that he cannot even pay his programmer to create a new shopping cart item for them. 


The Biblical Widow Mites

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