Armstrong Economics - The Mini-United Nations

All Fraudsters usually fake their reputation and inflate the size of their businesses. Here, Martin Armstrong goes to extremes, making the maximum claims possible.

In Why The USA is Collapsing he makes these often repeated claims:

I was offered the job of Chief Economic Adviser in the Bush, Jr. White House. I declined. Because we have offices around the world and I have advised Japanese and German automobile companies, it was plain to me that going before the Senate for an approval hearing means that they would call me a traitor because I advised non-Americans. Our staff is of every ethnicity, race, religion, gender, and persuasion, straight/gay. We are like a mini-UN where everyone gets along and brings their culture to the table.

The fact is that Martin Armstrong does not have any staff. He does not even have an office. No "offices around the world". He runs his one man scam operation out of his Florida Beach home, as a single occupant.

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