Martin Armstrong The Humanist Impostor

Martin Armstrong Discussion, Quote from: guyknewtoomuch on February 26, 2021, 04:10:46 AM
Its strange that nobody cares in europe when someone's running around doing conferences in Frankfurt, Berlin, Rome and telling lies about the ecb and the euro. He claims he had a delegation from Brussels in the backrow in one of his conferences, who supposedly were involved in creating the euro. He allegedly advised them to consolidate all national debts to make the euro sustainable.

Next to nobody knows him. With his various methods he creates the illusion (in his carefully controlled propaganda channels) that he advised governments and institutions. All this self-aggrandizing pomp has only one purpose: To impress his prey, gain their confidence and lure them into his online store where he sells snake oil costing hundreds of dollars, and of course these conferences mentioned here that cost much more.

 Then he even claims that he runs a public service for the good of humanity and does not need money. He claims that he gets the money from big institutions and can therefore afford to run his web site without advertising. Of course forgetting he never advised institutions and that 100% of his online content is advertising for his virtual products and services (snake oil).

Examples of direct quotes of Armstrong's own statements: 

The Hidden Order & The Motive For Something Greater Than the Norm

That said, my motive is to try to make a difference in this world for my own family in the future. This is not about making money for me. If that was my objective, I would be selling advertising and people’s names.

The Coming European Crisis
I also do not sell advertising on here because someone might think I am endorsing a particular investment just by allowing them to advertise. So I am careful about this sort of thing and understand that people respect me for my independence. I like to keep it that way. I even had a first-time attendee to one of our conferences remark I didn’t try to sell him anything.

The Rise in US Share Market in Foreign Currencies
Nevertheless, we do not do ANY advertising and prefer to keep the individual readership small. Our bread & butter is institutions. If it was up to me, I would retire.

Creating a Different New World Order
ANSWER: Apology excepted. A fraud is someone trying to cheat you out of money somehow. I do not even sell advertising on this site. I do not need money so I have the luxury of not being ...

Gold Into the Abyss?
This is not a game for personal glory. Everyone knows I do not need money, which is why you do not see us selling your name or advertisement space on this site. What I do is also selfish. Where do I go when the shit hits the fan? What about my family?

Get scammed without advertising and feel good about it!

Here I prove 3rd Party Advertising on his Public Blog Site:

On Mar 9, 2021, with the page Armstrong Interview in Germany with CAP TRADER, Martin Armstrong sells his advertising space to CAP TRADER.

How does this work?

The embedded YouTupe video Martin Armstrong - his legacy, build back better, short selling, no taxation, Dow Jones 40000 & more is a fully fledged advertisement for CAP TRADER, a German online securities broker. It contains all relevant contact details like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing, Instagram and of course the company web site address: Blog.

And here is the trick, how much CAP TRADER gains from this advertisement, that interview:

On Mar 11, 2021, only two days later, this YouTube video has 11,000 views. The viewers being mainly Martin Armstrong blog site followers. How do I prove that?


The same interview video is hosted (as an exact duplicate) on CAP TRADER's second channel here with a different title:

Martin Armstrong 📢Urgent! What Cathie Wood JUST Said About A Stock Market Crash!Dow Jones 40000

This video is hit only by CAP TRADER's channel subscribers, not Armstrong blog followers. At the same time, it has only 3,000 views. So we can see why CAP TRADER needs Martin Armstrong: They need new subscribers of their online broker service, and they buy them from Armstrong because Armstrong has the numbers and they don't. 

The business between charlatans is complex. Of course I do not know who benefited the most. But at the very minimum it is promotion on both (shady) sides where each side benefits from the other. This business is at the expense of the viewers, the little guys, the potential scam victims, and not at the expense of some fictional institutions.


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