Martin Armstrong The Stochastic Terrorist

There is no doubt that Martin Armstrong is a Stochastic Terrorist. It will not take me much to prove it so this page will be quite short.

First the definition of StochasticTerrorism:

The public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted: The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.

Next the four criteria for it, taken from COVID-19 Conspiricism and the Four Ds of Stochastic Terrorism:

  1. Demonisation
  2. Dehumanisation
  3. Desensitization
  4. Denial  

Next the a selection of Martin Armstrong's target subjects.

  1. Klaus Schwab
  2. Dr Fauci
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Martin Armstrong's clients including myself  
Before I go through these criteria, let me explain the purpose. It may appear that Martin Armstrong would not immediately profit from a Stochastic Terrorism act, so his motivation may not be  in the act itself. Where is the profit motive then?

The profit motive is in the CULTIVATION and simultaneous exploitation of various hate cults. He picks some enemies who he knows are hated by his target audiences. Then he downgrades these enemies by demonization and dehuminisation. Martin Armstrong sells his followers the illusion to be superior with respect to these enemies, to have insider knowledge about them, something that his followers would not get elsewhere. And he sells his victims expensive services, books and conferences that promise them to escape or even profit from the effect of the projected deviousness of these enemies.

And he sells such hatred in a big way at astronomical prices. $900 for a Video on Demand (VOD) with a matching Klaus Schwab Theme. I am not making this up. Here it is:

2020 World Economic Conference – The Great Reset

Physical attendance of such a 2 day sales event costs $2,750.

This event is tailored. He has been selling these conferences for years. Read more about them at

The World Economic Conference WEC

I will provide Martin Armstrong's specific actions that meet the four D criteria. I will go through this in criteria order for reasons of convenience, and because it is easier to read. For each criterion, I may list different techniques on different enemies that Martin Armstrong uses.

Demonisation, Dehuminisation, Denial

In case of Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF, he demonized him in dozens of his blog pages. While on his provocative page Is Schwab Evil? does not exactly say he is a demon or evil, but he stresses the point anyway by saying that the effects of his agenda are evil and that he is anti-democratic. Quote (emphasis added):

 A number of people have asked why I do not believe that Schwab is evil. What I am saying is he does not think what he is doing is evil. He really believes his deranged economic theories are beneficial. What Schwab has done will unleash evil, but I do not think he intended it that way. He is very strategic and is intentionally trying to force his economic theories upon the world and holds no respect for the people or allowing them to have a voice. He is anti-democratic.

Please note that after patting himself on the back for being tolerant, denying that he considers Schwab evil, he switches once again to repeated bashing which he did uncounted of times on uncounted of his blog pages.

Armstrong the humanist impostor again, the guy who does not have respect - does not even know what respect is. Instead he has been calling accomplished experts idiots numerous times and that is a large part of the reasons why I created this web site.

In Schwab Admits he Controls Trudeau & Cabinet of Canada – Now the World he claims: This is an all-out war against Schwab for the very future of our world, our families, and our children. With this statement he has at least drawn the lines between good and evil.

Desensitization, Denial

Martin Armstrong achieves and exceeds desensitization combined with denial with ease. He even proceeds to the otherwise unspoken act of providing a template of the violence: Death threats!

In his blog page Was 2021 the Peak for Davos? he wrote on Nov 30, 2021 (quote, emphasis added):

Reliable sources have confirmed that Klaus Schwab and even attendees have been getting such threats of violence and death that he has postponed Davos in January for the first time, claiming it is due to the pandemic, which is not true. Schwab is, at last, starting to realize that there is a price to his academic theories. There has been an avalanche in Switzerland but it is death threats rather than snow. This sweeping wave of anger is erupting worldwide, and there is no way that security measures can be enacted to protect world leaders
I seriously question a career at the World Economic Forum as being viable in the years ahead. Employees will have to live in a bunker underground and never leave. Working for Schwab may be a highly dangerous career post-2021.

And here he tries incitement of violence and suggests Revolution based on a lie:

You Will Own Nothing = Revolution Quote:

This idea that you will own nothing will lead to revolution. It is such a drastic alteration of everything we have had for thousands of years that it is just absurd to think that they can train humans simply to bark, sit, and rollover.


Further Reading

You might think that part of this is unbelievable, ridiculous. It is and it isn't. It's a tragedy. There are hundreds of people who fall for this nonsense. You still don't believe me? Here is an example that might leave you speechless:

Martin Armstrong and his Socrates: The Conspiracy of the Cartel


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