Martin Armstrong's Persecution Stories

In this page I outline the multiple stories Martin Armstrong presents, playing the victim card when he explains why he spent 11 years in jail.

I do this to present an overview, using his own statements because they are confusing.

I then prove that his claims must be pure fiction.because they are in conflict with each other.

I have other pages that prove that the individual statements in isolation are already in conflict with the established facts. But this page puts the icing on the cake because it exposes the sheer nonsense produced by Martin Armstrong's imagination.


Collapse of Russia Computer Forecast

Armstrong's unverified claim is that his computer Socrates predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union USSR (he calls it Russia), and the CIA wanted his computer because of this capability. Furthermore, he claims that he was held in contempt of court because he refused to give them the source code of his computer models.

Sample claim on June 16 2023 in the interview Unlocking the Future: Martin Armstrong's Remarkable Predictions of Economic Cycles and Wars Amidst Relentless Persecution at 48:57

... our computer would like I said in 98 we stood up and said Russia is going to collapse in in 30 days.  It did.  That was long-term Capital Management crisis um you know ...

Edmont Safra stole Money from Armstrong's Hedge Fund Accounts

Armstrong's unverified claim is that Edmont Safra stole large sums of money from Armstrong's hedge fund accounts because Edmont Safra lost US$ 1 billion due to the collapse of the Soviet Union, that very collapse that Armstrong's computer allegedly predicted.
Sample claim on June 16 2023 in the interview Unlocking the Future: Martin Armstrong's Remarkable Predictions of Economic Cycles and Wars Amidst Relentless Persecution at 48:57

... even the guy that uh ended up stealing money from our accounts uh Edmont Safra he lost a billion dollars on that day ...


Martin Armstrong continues making Forecasts after his Prison Release

His forecasting activity continues, and he praises his Socrates computer for unexpected magic abilities.

Sample claim on June 16 2023 in the interview Unlocking the Future: Martin Armstrong's Remarkable Predictions of Economic Cycles and Wars Amidst Relentless Persecution at 53:15 (emphasis added)

... Um so it's it's you know I think it's been fascinating for me to to um to have bumped into this why it is so accurate um has stunned me but it has forecast so many things even 9 11 right to the day. ... Um so uh but it has forecast the rise and fall of countries for for decades now I mean it's um I mean just about every intelligence agency around the world now follows it but um uh it's you know it's a fascinating model uh again it was not something I anticipated in advance it was something that I stumbled into and has been um just a very interesting experience in trying to follow it. ...


Armstrong's Agenda

Armstrong's motivation to tell these stories is as follows:

He needs an explanation for the fact that he lost the money that Japanese invested in his fund. There is no other way than blaming someone else and that is exactly what he does.

Furthermore, he needs to project himself as a hero because blaming someone else is such a common theme that it would not suffice as a story to sell after his prison release.

The heroic act is that he withstood the pressure of the evil CIA by not revealing his secrets. This is a common theme used by fraudulent inventors. You have probably heard something like this from inventors of perpetual motion machines and the like who were allegedly silenced by the automotive industry or by the oil industry.

Ironically, he is quite familiar with this inventor trick as you can see in his perpetual motion scooter story Armstrong's Ignorance on Perpetual Motion Machine?

Where it all falls apart at the Seams

It is impossible to reconcile three of his statements above. Please note that in one reference above he makes two claims in one sentence.
First, if he was the victim of theft as he claims, he would have sued the thief. He had the resources to do so and his father was a lawyer. There is no trace of even an accusation at the time, so he falls flat on his face based on that single claim alone which he made up long after the event.

Second, if he had some ability to predict the fall of the Soviet Union, with or without a computer, he would have certainly traded that event to be on the winning side. He certainly had the funds at his disposal at the time. Unlike being at the losing side of everything that happened at the time - as he was.

Furthermore, nobody, including the CIA, would have wanted to own the source code of a computer program that was at the center of one of the biggest financial disasters in history.

Third, if in fact the CIA wanted to suppress his forecasting and / or own his source code as he claims, then it would have certainly succeeded in doing so, and it would not let him continue making the same type of forecasts (like predicting 9/11 as he claims) after his incarceration.

As you can see, just by comparing Armstrong's own claims (not even checking them in isolation against the facts) one gets the most ridiculous story one can possibly imagine.

Further reading:

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