The Hyperspace Attention Seeker

This has as little to do with Martin Armstrong as the Attention Seeking Behavior is concerned with the current subject it is aiming to hijack. But I treat it in the context of Martin Armstrong because it is a prominent component of the volume of media related to Martin Armstrong that is present in hyperspace.

The Hyperspace Attention Seeker is not interested in Martin Armstrong but in his gullible audience. He or she is prepared to further Martin Armstrong's criminal agenda as long as the marginal effect is to gain a share in that audience as clients which is part of their business model.

The most convincing example of an entity behaving in this way is the company amazon with its subsidiary and service

This service is hosting multiple of Martin Armstrong's free propaganda videos produced by various other third parties. At this time (09 Sep 2022) I am counting six of such videos. It includes the 1 hour 25 minutes disinformation video END OF NATIONS of the anti vaccination disinformation (amongst others) agent Del Bigtree.

These attention seekers use the bandwagon effect which greatly amplifies the entire volume of disinformation and scams on the internet. This is in itself harmful, and it also leads to economic bubbles in the involved technology sectors such as social media companies. The really sad part is that their behavior has a legitimizing effect on the business of a criminal, and that their behavior makes it almost impossible to remove the disinformation from hyperspace.

The behavior spans multiple levels, because the published material was produced once before by interview hosts who are Hyperspace Attention Seekers themselves. They are typically in the business of selling snake oil in the form of alternative health products, and they ignore or struggle to comprehend Martin Armstrong's business model which is far more sinister than their own. Here is an example (there are dozens): Snake oil salesman Patrick Timpone with his one man show One Radio Network hosts the criminal Martin Armstrong in this bitchute video 2023 Will Be a Year of Chaos and Big Challenges for the U.S..

As Patrick Timpone is an effective disinformation agent himself ("How the Psychiatry Industry CREATES The Mental Health Epidemic", anti vaccination content etc.), it is difficult to see whether he struggles to understand Martin Armstrong's devious agenda or whether he is supporting it. Probably both, because he banned users critical of Martin Armstrong and deleted their comments. How does THIS not create mental health issues?

I have later found a very good article that describes the effect by which Martin Armstrong is trapped in the situation he is in. I am quoting a Twitter tweet (emphasis added):

We’ve all wondered why scientists or MDs "turn". How respected folk can find themselves deep in the anti-vax community. It’s a decidedly simple (but dangerous and malicious) process. Below is a thread on how people become "red pilled."


Imagine you’re a YouTuber and you think you explain science well. Imagine you’ve built a loyal following on mostly reliable stuff and get 50k-ish views per video. Now imagine you dip your toe into contrarian waters: there’s this new drug: ivermectin. You read a meta-analysis which is favourable and you have on your show an enthusiastic guest with all the right qualifications.

This seems legit! Could this work? Is science missing out on something big? Have you stumbled onto the cure for COVID-19? Suddenly… 700k views! With those extra views comes a SIGNIFICANT bump in revenue. You’re now earning fairly substantial amounts.

You go back to the fuddy, “mainstream” stuff, and interest in your videos tanks. You’re back to 50k again (and minimal cash). So you once again do something controversial. You start “wondering” about the vaccine. Views skyrocket. People in the comments are telling you what an extraordinary truth-seeker you are. What a great mind. Someone not beholden to “Big Pharma”.

Meanwhile, additional evidence has come to light that ivermectin is a bust. That early meta-analysis is flawed and it now seems like your enthusiasm was misplaced. You can talk about this, but there’s a hitch… Subscribers & views continue to increase rapidly. But it’s clear what they’re there for: C19 contrarianism & skepticism. You know this from the comments. You know this from the attention you receive from other prominent skeptics & outlets.

Antivax conferences are calling… Suddenly, for the first time, you’re IMPORTANT. Lots of people out there care what you say (in the science world you were small-fry). You’re on tv. You’re being interviewed. From obscurity, you’re now a *name*. You’re also making very good money. But you’re not alone. Other folk are also making videos. To stand out, they’re making wilder & wilder claims.

So to keep up, you need to escalate. No more soft-peddling or ambiguity. You go for it. You embrace the antivaccine message. You ignore all those who criticize you. Now it’s too late to turn back. The science community thinks you’re gone and won’t easily accept you back. Your viewers expect escalation of your rhetoric. Turning back would bring their scorn and they would leave in droves. I’m addition to YouTube revenues, you are now being contacted by folk in the anti-vaxx community. You are being offered hefty speaking fees. Additional incentives to host prominent antivaxxers. Advertising and sponsorship. This could make you rich. You are now trapped. Firmly in the bosom of the antivaxx community, you find yourself standing with conspiracy theorists, germ theory denialists, hardcore right-wingers… and you can’t escape. There’s nowhere to go. You wonder how you got here. How a combination of YouTube algorithms, a motivated and wealthy anti-vaxx community, the allure of fame and wealth, the blacklisting by mainstream science, all led you to this point. But here you are… We see the above story play out over & over, with minor variations and changes. It’s how folk in the science and medical community get “red-pilled” into an antivaxx box that they probably scoffed at a few years ago. It’s extremely dangerous. And it’s only going to continue.

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