Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Exposed: Armstrong Economics in The Free Republic Forum

Martin Armstrong as delta7 and his Number Two Ashley Warren as aMorePerfectUnion have been hyperactive as Hyper Shills in that Free Republic forum for decades!

I am exposing them here for the first time, on Sun Feb 19 2024 as a worldwide first, breaking my own record.

My previous record was to expose Martin Armstrong, a single person using two fake IDs. This time, I expose two shills at once.



In that forum, at the time of Feb 19 2024, he has posted (republished) 134 armstrongeconomics.com blog pages out of his 500 of his articles there in total.

Being the Hyper Shill as I know him, true to his style, he likes to introduce himself as an Armstrong follower who greatly benefited from Armstrong. Example:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?" 

Be sure to visit the website for imbedded graphics, charts, supporting documentation, key dates.

I have followed Martin for 25 years- he has been spot on, so spot on he is the only independent financial “ expert” to have been called upon by more than a dozen governments…from the US ( Volkner, Trump) to China to Australia to England ( he was personal friends with Thatcher and is credited with saving the Pound when Soros destroyed it).

When challenged, he gives replies of a style that some people who know the truth about him are all too familiar with:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?" 

I have read Armstrong’s forecasts for 25 years- even back when they were paper newsletters.- uncanny.

Those that criticize him are “ unaware” of history and cycles. I post his articles from his website.

His computer Socrates is legend in governments and financial institutions.

Ironically, I have used the papers he published from his paper newsletters he wrote in his prison cell for style analysis to prove his identity. Even his spelling mistakes have not changed since then.

Interestingly, delta7 has been member since Sept 2002, but there is a 16 year gap of his publications (articles and comments) that includes Martin Armstrong's 11 years that he served in prison.

I was alerted by some members of the forum who suspected what was easy to confirm. Finally, in this reply on Thursday, 30 January 2025, Armstrong's delta7 sock puppet gets exposed by TexasGator as follows:

“I have messages thanking me for Armstrong’s work, “

So, you now admit YOU ARE ARMSTRONG!



In that forum, at the time of Feb 19 2024, he has posted (republished) 12 armstrongeconomics.com blog pages out of his 250 of his articles there in total. He is certainly not Armstrong himself because he was active in the forum during Armstrong's jail time. He stands out when he defends Martin Armstrong following a script similar to that of Martin Armstrong himself:

aMorePerfectUnion lying in "Martin Armstrong's Bad Calls." 

You will not go to any other conference and sit next to central bank managers, family office leaders, etc. at the level of the armstrong economic conference.
I could not make any style analysis so my identification does not have the same level of certainty as with Armstrong. Why then am I convinced that aMorePercectUnion is Ashley Warren?

My conclusion comes from the understanding of Armstrong's business model, how it works and from the current state of the business. Martin Armstrong himself has given me many answers in conversations with me. The conclusion comes from a fairly small number of factors, based on logic that is simple to follow:

At the peak of the 2nd incarnation of his business (after he got out of jail), he paid a large number of shills, and the logic would have been slightly different then. But let me start there, where he made the following admission to me, fully exposing the criminal nature of his business. The communication is documented in a public forum here. I am quoting him as he replies to me directly via private message (emphasis added):
I have hundreds of people working for me creating YouTube accounts and other social media accounts posting positive reviews and feedback. I STILL GET fresh victims daily
Maybe you should come work for me? We could really use you around here. We have many aspects to our Ponzi scheme and you will be first in line and be a part of our inner circle purely based on the influence you have online and the threat you present against my business. We always pay our people the best and keep paying them for life just so they don't talk too much and God forbid tell the authorities...


The above was his last-ditch attempt to lure me into a partnership in his business, to recruit me, and to motivate me for deleting thousands of comment messages from hundreds of his YouTube videos.

Because in this message he admits that he pays shills and the fact that as the top man in his inner circle, he has been working as a shill almost 7 days a week for years, I must conclude that he expects at least similar work from the members of his inner circle. What else would they need to do for the money he pays them?

At this time, in Feb 2024, his business has reached a terminal decline, an the end of life period See:

The Defeat of Martin Armstrong

Given the facts that at the current time, there is only one person in the Free Republic forum who defends him, and that Armstrong most likely can no longer afford to pay hundreds of shills, I need to look only at the Martin Armstrong Inner Circle Details and focus on the guy who is closest to him and still claims to be his strategic adviser. 

Job done!


Not long after my exposé it became obvious that the people running the Free Republic forum are turning a blind eye on Armstrong. Armstrong has been immune against eviction even when caught violating forum rules, with violations that others were seen getting zapped for rather quickly. I have had conversations with multiple long time forum members who reported him many times.

And Armstrong operates in his own Free Republic echo chamber undeterred because he does not scale back his self promoting content even when severely challenged.

Martin Armstrong appears to speculate that he can afford to provoke other members who challenge him, with the aim to get them banned by the moderators.

Free Republic is a Criminal Enterprise, an Echo Chamber run for The Scammers

Free Republic is a forum for scammers and (their) suckers. The suckers think it is THEIR forum but it is actually dictated by and run for scammers who provide most of the content. Free Republic takes money from suckers AND from scammers like Martin Armstrong. Free Republic and Martin Armstrong himself pay a number of people who suppress any criticism to the point where the shills outnumber the critics. They eliminate critics by "zotting" them. They have undercover moderators and spies who work as cheerleaders of the shill crowd. Their  job is easy. Often, they provoke the critics to make the scheme less obvious. One of the undercover moderators is Bikkuri.

To prove my point, I only need to quote one of the suckers who admits that half of the content of the site is supplied by the scammers (emphasis added): BobL defending Martin Armstrong on Jan 26, 2025

... As to suckers paying a subscription fee - half of the articles posted here link to those types of sites, and their credibility is FAR WORSE than what I just read from in this clip ...

The moderation occurs under the cover of forum rules of conduct. The suckers get tricked into thinking that any enemies of the forum get banned because of some deviant political biases. Perhaps sometimes. But they get banned mainly because they undermine the business agenda when they question the integrity of the scammers.

Inevitably, the moderators, shills and suckers accuse the critics of shooting the messenger instead of discussing the clickbait of the scammers. This puts the critics in a difficult situation.

It is the critics who have a message that nobody else is prepared to discuss because it cannot be refuted. Effectively, the moderators and shills are making the ad hominem attacks because it is them who refuse to discuss the criticism. In the end, this is a moot point because the moderators always win.

This environment has created a genre of challengers (only a handful) who are long time members and who know how to not break the rules when warning unsuspecting members of Armstrong's devious scam tactics. Perseverance is their preferred tactic that has a chance limiting the damage that the scammers can do. But there is no lasting solution because as I wrote above, money is involved as everywhere else you look in Armstrong's sphere.

Read more:

Martin Armstrong and the Russians

Monday, 19 February 2024

Martin Armstrong Book: The Private and Local Money During Financial Crises

In this article I will introduce a Martin Armstrong blog page that he uses to sell a new book "The Private and Local Money During Financial Crises".

Then I will reveal his sales strategy, the trick he uses to sell the book (no, he can't sell the book normally because as usual, it is probably not worth buying).

Then I will show that Martin Armstrong is so sloppy in the production of his tricks that even a casual observer without any background can discover and verify immediately that his story is fake. At last I will produce further analysis that proves that his blog page title is pure disinformation.

Martin Armstrong's Blog Page

Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies


The Sales Strategy

The theme for selling the book is that he is so competent in the subject matter of the book that he even acts as an adviser of an acting head of state in that subject matter. This is false advertising, a misrepresentation of performance which is illegal.

The Shill Trick

Please let me remind you that Martin Armstrong is by court order barred permanently from association with any financial adviser, so a claim to advise a head of state in financial matters is fraudulent and the act would be illegal. See:


Therefore, Martin Armstrong uses a trick that allows him to make that claim nevertheless. He uses an anonymous shill who makes the claim on his behalf for perfect deniability. More specifically, he writes himself an email as described in The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick

No head of state would possibly use Martin Armstrong as an adviser because he has been exposed of making such fake claims before. See:

Which Government has asked Martin Armstrong for Advice?

Martin Armstrong's Claim collapses on itself

In his reply to himself, he writes:

I am not at liberty to say who I have spoken with because we have to sign confidentiality agreements.

It is a lie that Armstrong has a confidentiality agreement because if he had one, the publishing of his blog page would be the first and most prominent a violation of it.

Martin Armstrong's Blog Page Title is Disinformation

The assertion "Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies" is false. See:
On Wednesday, his interior minister sent a letter to La Rioja’s government warning that issuing its own currency was illegal and could endanger future funding for the province.


Further reading:

About Martin Armstrong's Books 



The Martin Armstrong Scam on Zero Hedge

The Zero Hedge Site For those who don't know the site, zerohedge.com is a somewhat difficult to describe in a sentence. In case you don...