Blog Testimonials

Testimonials are copied from user groups, with source given, from users who are identified by aliases, not actual names and web sites.

Their feedback is regarding this site and other blogs where contributors have worked to help build this site.

For Martin Armstrong Socrates client feedback, see Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

 In the comments section of a Rumble video, user Michele1106 reading my comments as LogicFusion:

Thank you for posting this Bio of Armstrong. He truly is a snake 🐍 and showed up drunk for an interview with Greg Hunter about a year ago. I posted an inquiry in the Rumble chat to Greg and what did HE DO? He silenced me from ever posting on his Rumble channel. Armstrong does NOT have a FLIPPIN CLUE of what is going on and he spreads fear-mongering mania every chance he gets.

In a Zero Hedge post user SoCalCavalier comments after reading my comments as ThoughtSplitter:

"We're In The Midst Of A Coup" - Martin Armstrong Warns NeoCons Will Rig 2024 Election  on June 29, 2023:

Well, I took a dive into your blog. Good grief. Some terrifying business.

I thought Armstrong made some interesting commentary on world events, some of which totally aligned with what I was thinking. But knowing what I do now, it seems to me that all that commentary is as you said--fluff which builds confidence for his service, "Socrates". He's a conman targeting a specific group of people, people who have little confidence in today's institutions.

I always had a gut feeling that Socrates was overblown in its capabilities. I thought that perhaps it could make predictions in markets (reading testimonials on your blog, I see now that that is false). But what I never could accept was that Socrates could somehow predict world events. Armstrong or his analysts--whoever--are making his predictions. A computer is not capable of that.

His whole scam falls apart once you start looking at the details. I feel like the most damning exposes on your site are the "Informant Behind the Curtain" and the "Lies About Supercomputer" posts. The man literally plagiarized the Onion and tried to pass it off as real information. LOL! And he pretends that he ported all his systems to IBM Sequoia, but butchered all the details, which he clearly skimmed off the internet.

What's more, Armstrong maintains that the CIA wanted his program, and sent him to jail for not giving it to them. How did they not get the program while he was in jail? One of the world's premier intelligence agencies couldn't find some dinky computer during Armstrong's 11-year stint?

The man's a fraud. He is right to discuss some of what you call "conspiracy theories", but it seems he is only doing so to appeal to a specific customer base which he can forward to his scam.


In a rumble post user RumbleJet comments after reading my comments as LogicFusion:

LIVE @ 8: Uncensored: Martin Armstrong - Will the Economy Collapse Completely in 2023?  on January 12, 2023:

I like that! Gay and more Gay! Hilarious! I really, really liked Martin and watched most of his interviews. Unfortunately, I did a deep dive last night (about two hours) researching this 'LogicFusion' claims. Whoever this is, troll or not- he is mostly accurate. Armstrong has a long life of scams and money fraud. He's kind of like Porter Stansberry w/ his end of the world financial grift since 1995. These guys may be bright and a bit of financial gurus- but they capitalize on it, turn it into a grifting operation. It's their little cottage industry that they've lived off- often times very handsomely. Funny they both served time and then re invented the grift. The fact that Armstrong scrubbed all comments form his various YT channels and threatened the above individual with death (those are factual claims) leads me to believe that MA is just another scammer in what seems to be a massive machinery of conmen and grifters these days. Don't know who to trust anymore. Doesn't the Bible allude to this?
When the days left are short, man against man, son against father, mother against one can be trusted, false prophets on every street corner, many will come in My Name etc.....


 In a rumble post user romanlaw comments after reading my comments as LogicFusion:

Nightmare Fall of United States – Martin Armstrong  on December 18, 2022:

Great research and info on Armstrong LogicFusion. If people want to believe Armstrong's flawed analysis that we need to be a mob-ruled "democracy" because our republican form of government doesn't work [?] they'll think this guy is some
deep-thinker extraordinaire. Not.

Mark Twain wrote: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Unfortunately, that pretty much sums up Martin Armstrong..


Commenting on a Twitter thread David @Mysterions13 on November 17 2022 :

You're welcome! I've been very critical of Armstrong for years, so it was great to find your excellently presented blog. Cheers

In an odysee post user @FirstLast comments after reading my comments and after watching the one hour movie "The Forecaster":

The Forecaster (2014) - Can a Computer Predict the World Economy?  on November 11 2022:

This is exhausting!! in 24 hours I've gone from amazed to horrified about this guy. Thanks for posting the links I'll check them all thoroughly when I can stomach more of this.

In a YouTube post Bill W comments on the YouTube video  :

Martin Armstrong: The Collapse of the Republic  on June 26 2022:

@Lui Bunting  Ok!  I just spent 2.5 hours reading through your site.  It has raised sufficient questions for me to think carefully about my experiences.   Keeping it very brief, I have always enjoyed Martin Armstrongs historical take on economics.  I attending his Orlando conferences in 2016 and 2017 and then once more in 2019.   I met a Canadian Day trader at the 2016 event who seemed intelligent and unpretentious. He said that he now foley used Socrates for his trading and it earned him a very good living.   I finally joined the Pro Socrates for about 3 months in 2018.  I was still working and a member of many other sites and advisors at the time but decided I would see what it had to offer.  I was a bit disappointed and downgraded a level shortly after.   I have received about 4 or Martins reports including the Trade of The Century.  History lesson was great BUT I noticed there seemed to be a fair a mount of repetition in the material and there was really NO "how to do it" at the end of the book.  I also purchased the Manipulation of the World Economy book and once again found it interesting but somewhat repetitive.   Your site reinforced some concerns I have had about Martin's blog for a couple of years now.  I agree with a lot (not all) of what Martin says about what is happening in todays world.  However, I had already begun to get frustrated about the way he would answer questions on his blog.   The questions always seem to be, well from perhaps less intelligent folks and rarely did they address any detailed deep issues but rather broad and often self congratulatory  towards MA.   I also noticed the typos and wondered why these were not addressed.   As regards Socrates, I often purchased the market reports, not expensive, but noticed occasional errors in the reports that got the price for say gold or oil completely wrong in the report.  I could not understand why that would happen.   Finally, much is made of the Socrates tool being right at certain turning points e.g 1987.  The Sovereign Bond Crisis for me started around 2012 as the ECB and the EU embarked on a course which will bankrupt that EU market BUT that 2015 date didn't not seem to produce a big event.  I would argue the big event is happen now!  Additionally the much flaunted March turning point for this year seemed like a fizzle as well.    I think his predictions about the dollar and the US market soaring have some credibility since I agree with the thesis that money will likely flood into the uS when the financial crisis in Europe and probably the far East get going.   
HOWEVER, what your site has done is raised these nagging concerns I have been having about Armstrong, his writings and his model over the past 2 - 3 years.  I am blessed with funds and have never committed any to Martins forecasts (so no losses).  But I am now sufficiently dismayed so as to pull my $50 monthly subscription (not that big compared to a couple of others I subscribe to but certainly 2-3 times that for some other advisor sites that actually make specific recommendations.  Consequently you site has had an immediate effect.  Not sure why you dont post a link to your site for all of MA's videos.    Took a while to trawl through your material but thanks.

 In a post deleted from the index of a public reddit forum by one of Martin Armstrong's shills:

Lame Website Member jimmy_long_bombs writes October 29, 2021:

lol, whoever created The Testomonial Site needs a medal. Just read the Death Threat piece. What a horrible guy!


Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion

Member bcho018 writes September 08, 2021:

Thank you for exposing this charlatan. Please keep up the good fight. He is now an aged man hopefully he is not training any successors.

In the comments of the YouTube video Who Killed the West and What Comes Next? | Martin Armstrong | 4 Corners Podcast, user @Kimbo Slice writes July 2 2021 in comment user @Kimbo Slice comment

@Lui Bunting  so u were a victim obviously.. did they make the story? Oh that might be what’s on ur channel which I’m gonna look at.


in comment user @Kimbo Slice comment

@Lui Bunting  got u! Well you are doing a good job then! You worked ur butt off! Maybe your mission will work. Sounds like it has some. This all so mind blowing! I wish you well.. if someone is stealing or lying to ppl.. they will get their own one day.

 In the comments of the YouTube video Martin Armstrong: The Gold Standard is Garbage, user @Nick Tubber writes July 2 2021 in comment user @Nick Tubber comment

@Lui Bunting  man that’s some invaluable info you just shared. I didn’t care for him that much to read that deep but what you wrote is some serious stuff. Thanks for the education..

 In the comments of the YouTube video A Planned Major Event For U.S. economic crisis is even worse than it appear - Martin Armstrong, user @Paul Hunt writes July 2 2021 in comment user @Paul Hunt comment

Thank you for your enlightening comment. Much appreciated! I've listened to several interviews with Martin Armstrong over recent years, but never checked his background. I must admit I thought he looked like a criminal from first time I saw him in an interview. But he did say some interesting things, gave the impression he mixed with government officials worldwide and criticised their policies. Now he I see he's a scammer, been in prison 11 years 1999~2011 for defrauding clients with his questionable "services".

In the comments of the YouTube video Martin Armstrong: The Gold Standard is Garbage, user @Joe B53 writes March 24 2021 in comment user @Joe B53 comment

@Peter Bunting This is one of the most informative well-written comments I've read warning folks about a scam artist. Thank you Peter. I for one appreciate your comment.

Note: @Peter Bunting's comment has been deleted (with many others) by Armstrong shill Palisades Gold Radio

Here is a copy:
Shill alarm triggered. This sounds exactly like the self aggrandizing pomp that Martin Armstrong writes to promote himself. Like another 50 cents worth of advertising he paid for. See Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill.

So who exactly is Martin Armstrong?

Decades ago, Martin Armstrong paid some programmers write that trading software for him which he calls Socrates (he never learnt how to do computer programming, has never finished any qualification). He then used that to trade the markets with money stolen from investors. Made spectacular losses - $700 million. Covered the losses with a $3 billion Ponzi scheme. Was caught. On bail, still stashed away some assets so he would have cash later. Spent 11 years in jail for the crime. Most criminals think they are innocent. Martin Armstrong is no exception. After getting out of jail, to clear his name, he created one of the biggest lies in history: He got a media guy make a disinformation infomercial about him "The Forecaster". It's a movie of a conspiracy theory. A web of lies.The wet dream of a criminal. Blames someone else for his crimes. Sells the movie on Amazon. The movie sells his services. But the movie gets bad reviews so he creates another lie saying it is banned in most countries, again blaming governments. See The Forecaster (2014). This documentary is BANNED in the US. Still works well as a smokescreen. Now he sells the Socrates software as a service for $1,800 per year to his new clients, the little guy. The result? See "Socrates Subscriber Testimonials" Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

eyes wide open created an entire blog site warning people and referring to the bitcointalk forum on every page:

martin armstrong will ruin you

Good effort!

Re: Armstrong - 2020 first year ever Dow took out previous years high and low

Member hhh writes 23 June 2020 - 08:57 AM:

That said, after casually following Armstrong for decades, I've come to the conclusion that he's a fairly knowledgeable market historian who expresses highly exaggerated claims and outright lies regarding his ability to forecast the market. His most common technique is shotgunning relatively vague pronouncements that cover all the bases and then cherry picking in hindsight to prove he was "right." See this webpage for a comprehensive review of his tactics:

During the start of the Covid-19 episode, he ridiculed it as "just a flu" and relatively insignificant to the economy and then proceeded to miss one of the greatest rallies in history all the time calling for a re-test of the lows. I don't fault a prognosticator for being wrong occasionally, but to be spectacularly wrong and then claim to have nailed it is fraud.

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion

Member nstrdms writes January 03, 2020 - 06:21:24 AM:
If it wasn't for this forum, I would have likely never come across these wild claims, such as:

"We are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia...Time Share slots will be available at $5 million up to $100 million annually depending upon the size and international scope of the portfolio. Our actual annual cost just in energy to run such a system is in excess of $6 million. Those selected institutions interested in such a comprehensive system that does not rely upon human opinion, should contact..."

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion February 14, 2020, 03:09:12 AM
I am so glad I happened on to this blog. I have been trying to figure out this guy’s ramblings for far too long. I got sucked in by the Forecaster movie - that’s a compelling story. I subscribed to his website and analyzed his posts (no easy feat) for the past year. I began to notice what appeared to be revisions in his historical posts to align with reality. I began to screen print his advice/predictions (no way to print otherwise) so I could compare. Yep - proved that. Have cancelled subscription.

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion December 25, 2019, 05:41:20 PM
Stopped reading and following Marty long time ago, and dropped him completely after the Dec dump and fiasco of Marty telling his subscribers NOT to go long and wait for better opportunity in Jan/Feb, but I did a quick search the other day, it's hilarious and ridiculous does anyone even know what the forecast even is anymore? All you hardcore Marty followers, he got interviews just from few months ago talking about Dow at least 35000 into 2021, and now it's bear market for 2020 and on? LOL even his dollar view seem has changed? And not to mention how he sooo missed n look like a fool after gold's price action lately. Still haven't seen anything change, Marty still doing what he's best at covering both sides just to sell and profit on his BS. And thanks for this discussion it's beautiful, hope ppl wake up to this fraud before they get themselves ruined. I found Marty shortly after Brexit vote 2016 and did meet several frustrated ppl at the WEC 2016 and not long after, understanding perfectly why that was the case.

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion November 07, 2019, 04:50:22 PM
Thank you for exposing MA.

I read MA's blog for almost 10 years and was one of early subscribers to Socrates. I canceled my subscription earlier this year because of terrible trading results.

Martin Armstrong is a fraud and you will lose money following his advice.

... later:

And I would like to thank the participants of this forum for exposing Martin Armstrong as a con artist and Socrates as a fraud.

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion October 17, 2019, 05:47:34 AM
Thanks for this blog as it just saved me a few months of $15's when I googled!

I cancelled previously when all the reversal dates went wrong on the Euro & GBP then he tried to say its right lol and also it completely missed the Xmas low in US stocks which was a cycle move back upwards lol.

So I noticed the recent post on the sun spots where he has chopped the sunspots chart so you can't see where it came from but if you google image it its one of the first charts there. He attempts to make it look like his own chart by chopping the information on who produced it.

Nice job here, hopefully people can google first and not be scammed. Finally the thing that gave it away for me was when they couldn't get my card to pay properly on the website lol so if he has this all swinging computer yet it cant take a payment....right lol and then someone from the middle east is trying to contact me for my 15$....... thanks again

Re: Martin Armstrong Discussion September 21, 2019, 10:41:32 PM
Big thanks to anonymouscoder and others exposing Martin Armstrong for the fraud and this pathetic scam. He has never been and never will be a trader but only a narcistic gambler with delusions of grandeur.

It truly amazes how gullible and foolish people really are believing anything this convicted conman says. I guess a fool is born every minute.

It so obvious that he used these alt id's to reply such as Gumbi, Strike Eagle 26, over45 and Alex-11. He made the same exact errors as on his pathetic blog posts. He obviously reads this blog as when confronted he would change and correct so the next Alt Id would be harder to spot. But you cant correct the sentence structure which is exactly how he spells his stuff on his shameful blog. He uses these troll tactics which are hilarious. Martin, please give it a rest it is beyond sad but so entertaining, i thank you for that.

Lastly also a few years ago a member called sloanf had posted about Martin Armstrong on this forum and his posts deserve to be kept (look him up). Some of them are even hilarious. To the guy running the blogspot (great idea btw) exposing Martin Armstrong you should look up some of sloanf posts and preserve then in your blog. This was probably 3-4 years ago.

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