Sunday 30 August 2020

Martin Armstrong's Informant Behind the Curtain

Martin Armstrong frequently quotes his "Sources behind the Curtain" to create the illusion of exclusiveness and quality of his blog posts which he presents to his audience as analysis.

Example: Sweden & Finland Joining NATO

As most people know, my sources are dammed good. When the Russians were building a secret unground facility, even Margaret Thatcher asked me if I had any information since their intelligence was coming up short.

The reality is that he does not have such sources. And he does not do any analysis, either. He has opinions,  biases and conspiracy theories gleaned from others. He is sitting at his home computer surfing the Internet, looking for sensational stories that confirm his opinions and biases. Stories that he can re-publish on his blog site while claiming ownership of them in his trademark self-aggrandizing pomp style. With the aim to lure fresh victims of his predatory business into his online store where he sells useless products and services (snake oil) costing hundreds.

It is obvious that his repetitive gossip on his blog site is of the lowest possible quality, re-published from dubious sources and / or plagiarized. Again, I do not make such a statement without providing the hard proof.

So far on this site I have avoided reflecting on the biased opinion pieces on Martin Armstrong's blog site because 1) there are too many of them and 2) I think that it is more constructive to concentrate on the big blatant lies, confidence tricks and manipulations which are indisputable and easy to debunk.

However in the following case, Martin Armstrong has crossed this boundary and is now himself providing unique insight into his working style - a piece of self-incriminating information which I think is on par with or even eclipses everything else written on this site so far:

On June 22 2020, the satire magazine, "America's Finest News Source", The ONION published the article Facebook Announces Plan To Break Up U.S. Government Before It Becomes Too Powerful.

On July 29 2020, more than a month later, Martin Armstrong writes on his blog essentially that same story, copied in large part from The ONION source but presenting the story as if it was fact not satire:

Facebook Calls for the Break-Up of US Government

It has since been edited (after our exposé at Facebook Calls for the Break-Up of US Government).

His original version can be found at:

The Web Archive

I quote Martin Armstrong from his original (emphasis added):
Posted Jul 29, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

The high Tech leaders are to testify before Congressional House antitrust investigation into the market power of major tech companies. This will in Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, Apple, Google, and Facebook. The House Judiciary Committee has been pushing for them to return to testify in front of its investigation into antitrust. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken a very confrontational view toward the government. Where there remains a focus on the excessive influence that Facebook has in the political landscape, d influence, Zuckerberg just announced ahead of his testimony that his firm will be taking steps to ensure the breakup of the U.S. government because he believes it has become too powerful. He has stated:

“It’s long past time for us to take concrete actions against this behemoth of governance that has gone essentially unchecked since its inception.”
He insists that while the government may have begun with good intentions, its history showed a culture of recklessness and a dangerous disregard for the consequences of its decisions. In this respect, he is absolutely correct for there are far too many instances where the economic declines have unfolded BECAUSE of government intervention. Zuckerberg continued:
“Unfortunately, those at the top have been repeatedly contemptuous of the very idea of accountability or reform, and our only remaining course is to separate the government into smaller chunks to prevent it from forming an even stronger monopoly over the public.”
Zuckerberg concluded his comment with repeated assurances that despite a likely legal battle ahead, no one government could stand up to the fortitude of Facebook. That is a very interesting position. This public statement is what I have been looking at behind the curtain which definitively points to an organized coup. My warning to Zuckerberg is he better count his fingers after shaking hands with the Democrats when they promise not to break up Facebook in return for his support to seize the White House in November.


This piece proves that he searches content matching his biased ideas and selectively re-publishes it. He plagiarizes content without quoting his source. And it proves that he does not care about the analytical value of the content - whether it is a lie or not - as long as he is convinced that the story will generate the clicks that he needs to capture fresh victims of his scams - every day. Some people call him "career shit-weasel" and they are right.

See also:



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