It is impossible that Martin Armstrong fails to monetize an opportunity such as the covid-19 pandemic (without actually providing any practical value as usual).
See also: Martin Armstrong's Populist Hot-Button Topic Campaign
Here I document the methods that he uses to do so. In a nutshell, he has been playing it both ways, down-playing the pandemic and fear-mongering, using the old and tested Government Conspiracy Theory trick. As usual, even at his age of 71, he claims to become an expert on the subject overnight. He ridicules the professional experts and accuses them of corruption. As usual, he gets things wrong and changes course midstream.
On Jan 27, 2020, in Coronavirus still appears to be Normal Virus and on Feb 5, 2020, in Why Exaggerated Nonsense on Flu?, he clearly downplays the pandemic which later earned him criticism from his followers who made the wrong trading decisions based on his failed market forecasts:
I give up. Time to buy.
He goes on about all his amazing forecasts and how he is a legendary trader but he is none of these things the Corona virus has exposed him as just another salesman trading of lies of making great calls in the past.
On Mar 23, 2020, in We do Have to Get Beyond the CDC he uses the Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick to promote his name as a potential Government Advisor in the subject:
COMMENT: Hi Mr Armstrong,
I don’t know if there are advisers around the president that ae keeping you from explaining to him what is at stake so I started a Whitehouse petition to get you to see him. If you want to post it I am sure the many readers will get the numbers needed. If not, only this email to you is who I am going to inform the petition is posted.
Bring in the expert Martin Armstrong to stop the destruction of the world economy
That's just marketing and confidence building for his real clients - the little guy, because:
Not surprisingly, he has a new e-book for sale at $9.95 to turn the crisis into revenue: Coronavirus & Next Great Depression.
What is it? apparently a cut and paste job. Here is a review:
mberger47 in The Monetary Crisis Cycle Report
His recent report on the Coronavirus was 100+ pages of history lessons and 2 sentences of valuable information.
That's just a teaser - the real payload is MAY 2020 Virtual Conrona Conference $300 and his $125 book The Cycle of War and the Coronavirus.
As expected, to make the point that this was just a confidence trick, the actual petition Bring in the expert Martin Armstrong to stop the destruction of the world economy turns out to be a flop because it reaches only 871 signatures, not even 1% of the required minimum of 100,000 to be even considered.
The Ferguson Model Code Review
I have several proofs on this site that Martin Armstrong searches other web sites aligned with his narrative for content that he then plagiarizes with the aim of profiting from it. Here is another example:On May 6 2020, a suitable article appears at Code Review of Ferguson’s Model
Two days later, on May 8 2020, Martin Armstrong again uses the Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick to imply that he was asked to review the same code: I have Reviewed Ferguson’s Code – It’s a Joke
I have been asked by a source in Britain to review the Ferguson model code for my opinion.I don't want to go into the details but a text comparison of his article shows that it it has been copied from with a small amount of re-shuffling. You are welcome to check this out here
This clearly shows the vast chasm between trading models and academic models where the money is never on the line.
He does not waste any time bragging about the superiority of his Mickey-mouse Socrates code where he reveals that it contains only 150,000 lines.
Contrary to his repeated claims that he created the computer code for his Socrates himself, he is so illiterate that he cannot even use a pocket calculator to calculate a percentage. He under-represents the number of Covid-19 infections and deaths in India by a factor of 100. See: What’s Happening in India?
Out of a population of 1.4 billion, there have been 17.6 million infections to date, which is 0.0125%.
... and the total deaths have reached 198,000. While that does sound like a lot, it is still 0.00014%.
The U-Turn #1
In Black Death Plague Returning in Asia on Jul 15, 2020, he makes a U-turn, splits his narrative into two by creating his own more lethal Coronavirus strain that causes pneumonia (as if this was actually novel in comparison with the "concocted" one as he sees it)
First, there is a new coronavirus that causes pneumonia, which is far more lethal than this concocted version that appears to have been manufactured to set in motion this Great Reset.He once again uses this new fear campaign to sell his e-book "The Great Reset", a Government Conspiracy Theory that among other weird alleged objectives aims to depopulate the world. It feels like he has learned from Zero Hedge and from his own criminal case that conspiracies make money!
Zero Hedge, Russia, and the Business of Conspiracies
And keeping the audience happy is what really matters. An audience comprised of racists, anti-Semites, extreme right-wingers, and conspiracy wingnuts is a valuable one. They are all credulous fools, and, as all dime-store preachers know, the credulous are easily monetized. Conspiracies are big business.
In Is Europe Deliberately Crushing their Economy for the Great Reset?
on Oct 30, 2020, he creates the conspiracy theory that European leaders are using the pandemic to "crush" their own economies:
There is absolutely NO possible way these people do not know what they are doing. This is a deliberate action to use COVID-19 to crush the economy and the people into submission.
Endless U-Turns follow
Later, after it becomes inescapable that the Covid-19 pandemic is real and cannot be denied, he changes subject once again and endorses in his blog the Wuhan lab gain-of-function origin theory.
Then he campaigns against vaccination and calls Fauci a murderer.
Subsequently he supports the idea to buy an island to escape vaccination.
Re-definition of Democracy
In Democracy Index he claims that all nations lost their democratic status: How could any country that forcibly restricts its citizens’ movement and forces them to inject unknown substances into their bodies be deemed a “full democracy?” No one is allowed to speak out against their government or protest unless their protest aligns with the government’s agenda. Full democracies are extinct.
This is just an extract of the enormous barrage of inconsistent disinformation material in his blog. It makes it fairly obvious that as usual, he tries to cover as many subjects as possible to increase the search engine ranking of his site, to cover as many fringe opinions as possible, and to attract as many readers with grievances and fools as possible. To get the clicks that he needs to lure fresh victims of his predatory business into his online store. Where he sells - as solutions (way out) - useless products and services (snake oil) costing hundreds.
In November 2021, the US Covid-19 death toll eclipses 1918 Spanish Flu estimates.
Finally, he once again completely discredits himself when he posts this garbage on his blog:
Hospitalizations More Likely Among Vaccinated is a blatant lie because of two reasons:
- The MSN linked article does not exist, is made up
- ResearchGate which he quotes without providing a link as conducting the study does not do such studies.
In October 2022, Armstrong claims Australian Government killed its own citizens with the vaccine.
Here is a good example of his misrepresentation. In his blog, he writes about a fundamentally generous government scheme:
Australia to Pay Funeral Expenses of Those Who DIED From Mandatory Vaccine:
... The government killed its own citizens without apology or remorse.
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