Martin Armstrong and the Europeans

In some of Martin Armstrong's repeated statements he fraudulently claims that some European high level officials were his clients and that he advised them. Here are his claims:

Martin Armstrong Adviser in the EURO Currency Creation Project

He wrote this claim on his blog site, and he repeats it in almost every one of his fire side chat type of radio or video shows and interviews.

In a fairly recent interview with Kim Iverson "Unlocking the Future: Martin Armstrong's Remarkable Predictions of Economic Cycles and Wars Amidst Relentless Persecution",  he said on June 16 2023 at 41:13 (quote, emphasis added):

Um and you know I when they were creating the Euro they actually came to me and I've sat down with them and I told them I said what you're saying is is false. Not everybody's going to pay the same interest rate unless you consolidate the debts but uh for Germany to go in they wouldn't consolidate the debts that was off the table so each country was left with its own its own debt. And I warned them that the problem is is that you're just going to transfer the the volatility from the currency to the bond market and that's all that's happened so then they complain oh they're paying three percent versus us we're paying five you know um you know it still creates disunity and um I you know I I explained to him I said you know you just don't understand.

Show host Kim looks amused but that does not seem to irritate him. As usual, he does not even bother to say who he spoke to on what occasion, date and venue. Please note that first he refers to a group "them" and then a single person "him".


But it gets even better. In his interview Current pandemics follows a deeper agenda says Hedge Fund Manager Martin Armstrong at 47:42 (quote)

... you know when they were forming the EU they actually they came to me and the whole they took the whole back row in our conference in in in London ...


The fact is that the Europeans, or the German officials did not know him and would have considered him a clown if asked. There is no shred of evidence.

Nevertheless, the purpose is to bolster his ego and impress his followers, and repetition is what matters here for his low IQ followers who will never challenge him.

Further reading:

Martin Armstrong Fake Fan Email Imitation 

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