Martin Armstrong Book: The Plot to Seize Russia

Up to About Martin Armstrong’s Books

This is the history and a short review of that book that Martin Armstrong wrote.  On July 15 2022, he tried to contact Lucy Komisar with a tweet Martin Armstrong @MartinA45659127:

@LucyKomisar I am doing a major book on US/Russia and included in Browder/Magnitsky. I believe this was an assassination carried out by Berezovsky for Browder. I am mentioning your work and would like to send a draft for your approval.

And another tweet Martin Armstrong @MartinA45659127

You wrote about Edmond Safra Can you send any writing for an upcoming book

It is a miserable self-promotion and cut and paste job. Perhaps some of it is gleaned from that excellent documentary The Magnitzky Act - BEHIND THE SCENES by Andrei Nekrasov  

I don't know what Martin Armstrong would have to offer here in addition to that well-explored subject, and of course, the declassified documents.

And again, it is clear that Martin Armstrong with his infantile writing style cannot get a decent book off the ground while he is spending all day with giving interviews and working as a shill on various social media platforms. It will be done by his cheap book writing team in Thailand.

Meanwhile he advertised it in a promotion of his upcoming WEC conference:

In The Plot to Seize Russia he writes

Before you sign of to World War III, you better wait until you finish this book. You can download the introductions here:

The Plot to Seize Russia-Intro

This book will be available for purchase AFTER the WEC on November 13th, 2022


Meanwhile the book it available for sale. It has more than 600 pages.

You can read a promotional intro (26 pages) here:

The Plot to Seize Russia Intro

On Dec 17, one month after it was handed out at his Orlando conference, still not listed for sale anywhere. However, his buddy Greg Hunter claimed that it was sold out! The old sales trick once again. See and listen at 00:30 in the video:

Nightmare Fall of United States – Martin Armstrong

Update June 12 2023

Martin Armstrong announces availability in retail stores:


... and a subsequent promotional blog where he claims that it is the #1 book on Amazon (ranking position #2,117 on the Best Sellers List):

Plot to Seize Russia Makes #1 Book on Amazon

Quick Review 

In  Acknowledgements:

I would like to thank the following people for contributing to various sections of this work

He thanks accomplished people who are more popular than him for contributing to his work. But they most likely did not make any contribution in a way he writes because they are not even associated with his work. My assumption is confirmed by the fact that while he says that they contributed to various sections, he does not name the relevant sections of even a single one of these people.

The intro contains spelling mistakes that would have caught the eye of at least one of them. As we know, he asked Lucy Komisar for reading his book but there is no evidence of her or any other of these people mentioning this book.

I would expect that in a marketing publication such as this, he would at least quote one other person reviewing his book or commenting on it.

Instead, he once again, prominently, uses this space to misrepresent his own fraud case and accuses the US legal system. What this has to do with the "Plot to Seize Russia" is 100% unclear. If it wasn't obvious, this makes it obvious that this book is about Martin Armstrong and not about Russia.

In the 2nd paragraph About the Author  he once again peddles the same old lies as in almost every one of his hundreds of YouTube fireside chat shill interview videos.

Fund Manager of the Year, ... Highest paid adviser in the World.

He tells this adviser lie 5 times in this preview.

Then he quotes material from that failed completely made up conspiracy infomercial "The Forecaster" and the forecasts he never made. He once again fraudulently claims that

[he was the] largest institutional adviser in the world ... advising governments and heads of state...

The European Commision came to our conference in London...

called by the Brady Commission for the 1987 Crash.

I have been called in for virtually every crisis since 1985.

  None of this ever happened.

So, what I write here is from firsthand knowledge – not speculation or conspiracy theories.

The fact is that Martin Armstrong did not have any such business with Russia, especially not insider knowledge, otherwise he would have published a book about it BEFORE the declassification of the material that he tries exploit now.

And here is the main revelation  (a new conspiracy theory):

And because of that, they tried to silence me by imprisoning me on civil contempt for 7 years to prevent this story from being told.

I don't know how many DIFFERENT reasons he quotes they had to keep him in prison for. The one he tells the most is that they wanted his Socrates computer code for its forecasting ability and he refused to give it to them. See:

"The Government wants the Computer Code for Forecasting" Conspiracy Theory

He tells the computer story the most simply because the Socrates subscription service is his main cash cow. If you didn't know that he is in fact a fraud, by now you should no longer have any doubts about it. He is selling his prison time with whatever fairy tale that suits him best to promote the snake oil he is selling at the time (in this case the book about Russia). It's a pattern.

Even in the following Prologue, he writes about his imprisonment.

Then later in Introduction:

"I was advising Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher (1925–2013) against joining the euro."

Margaret Thatcher never met Martin Armstrong during her time in office and she certainly did not ask for his advice.

More about his imprisonment.

26 pages filled with his well-known self-aggrandizing pomp and lies.

I think that everybody who buys this book clearly deserves - to be scammed.

By the way on the first day of availability on Amazon, there are already some 2nd hand copies for sale. Be prepared to see some scam victims pump the book with positive reviews for this reason alone.

And expect to see them pump it on Twitter, too.

It's easy. Just click the "Share" button on Armstrong's blog page and you have your tweet!

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