Martin Armstrong has claimed "Our model tracks everything including climate" and that he warned of Global cooling to the extent that he said "I follow our own models. We are moving to the Tampa region in Florida." here: The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!.
-Thanks to colding, commodities like corn will go up because of bad harvest (it already happened in 2019)
In fact, he never predicted short term global cooling to the extent that would justify his decision to move to Florida, and his models did not "follow" or analyze climate data as he claims.
This can be verified with a few web search results as follows:
His 309 year cycle model predicts the end of the current warming cycle and the start of a cooling cycle in the year 2032: The 6th Wave – Shift Pubic to Private . According to this, we would need to experience warming for another 12 years! So there must be something else that motivates him, some agenda that drives him to tweak his models to fit that agenda.
He has some allies. In February 2012 Dr Habibullo Abdusamatov predicted a "New Ice Age to Begin in 2014".
And Martin Armstrong starts noticing cold events like Great Lakes with Historical Record Ice.
Later in March 2013, Martin Armstrong creates a correlation study, fitting climate data to his 309 year cycle, as he reports in his post Are we Headed Back to an Ice Age?
That is a small effort which demonstrates how cheap his research can be.
In June 2015, in another blog post Britain Headed Back to a Mini Ice Age he claims "Now scientists are warning that what we have reported is crashing rapidly.", creating the illusion that scientists confirm his prediction.
On July 09 2015, Prof Valentina Zharkova publishes her research at the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno.
And Martin Armstrong must have noticed that she actually has a simple Physics Model of the Sun that predicts Global Cooling within a time horizon as small as two years.
Only three days later Martin Armstrong follows up and expands this topic into a major campaign, mainly re-publishing, news aggregation with opinion added, often praising his models. He clearly trusts and follows the discredited scientists' predictions not his own model.
In May 2019 he takes this to the extreme where he even claims that others are copying his computer forecasts, prompted by a most likely fake reader email: Are we Heading into a Food Shortage?
Note: He is using the The Fan Email Confidence Trick.
Here, I call this Scientific Fraud which is a term that Martin Armstrong uses quite liberally in his posts.
The glaring problem with the above conjecture is that it is based on bad science by Prof Valentina Zharkova which has been debunked rigorously. Her studies had multiple fundamental errors, and one of her articles has been retracted. Interestingly, one of her papers actually predicts global warming of an additional 2.5C not cooling. For more details, see:
Heavily criticized paper blaming the sun for global warming is retracted
Winter is coming? Churnalism freezes out the facts
There’s More to That 'Mini Ice Age' Story, And Here’s Why
Martin Armstrong later re-publishes a YouTube video of another discredited climate change denier Tony Heller / Steven Goddard. See:
Steven Goddard (Tony Heller) on DeSmog
His video can still be viewed on YouTube
Meanwhile in June 2022 he flips his agenda and claims that he predicted the current heat wave as if he had never predicted cooling. In The Heat Wave is Right on Target into Peak 2024 he writes:
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for 2022 to be hot and dry has come true
He obviously never forecast this as this manufactured email that he wrote to himself claims. Otherwise that article is rather confusing and clearly shows his schizophrenic nature.
Later he re-iterates that his imaginary models predicted that global warming catastrophe. In Climate Engineering: 40 Million in US West Without Water in 2023 he writes:
Our models have been indicating a decline in both the food and water supply
I do not see it as the main objective of this site to debunk Armstrong's quoted theories because they are clearly not his own. He is obviously always the smartest guy after the fact because he predicts everything and the opposite of it. I spot his lies and inconsistencies when he cherry-picks and misrepresents observations to fit his agenda which is to support his scam business.
In case of climate change denial, it is striking that his forecasts are clearly in conflict with reality which does again discredit him as a forecaster. He exploits every opportunity of cold weather / snowfall in the US and Europe - desperately trying to maintain the illusion. Now in the 2021/2022 period, I find that his themes are seasonal: Global Cooling in winter and Climate Engineering in summer.
This raises the question of potential funding of his efforts. I cannot offer any evidence, and such funding might not exist, but I speculate that Big Oil and / or Russia pay his bills because I wonder how he can otherwise survive after I exposed all of his business activities as scams.
The following are some global cooling / mini ice age posts of our hindsight guru on his web site after July 09 2015, quite an explosion of activity:
Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change
Maunder Minimum & the Coming Mini Ice Age
We Are in the 21st Year of Declining Temperatures
Sea Ice in Arctic Sea Expanded by 33% As Earth Turns Colder
Sea Ice Has Expanded Hundreds of Miles — Welcome Global Cooling!
Global Warming/Climate Change Guide for Dummies
Believing in Nonsense
North Atlantic Record Setting Cold Blob Emerges
Global Warming & Climate Change: The Tax Agenda
A Former Climate Modeler for the Australian Greenhouse Office Says Mathematics Used by UN Overstates Global Warming by Ten-Fold
Answering Questions for the Press
French Weatherman Suspended For Questioning Global Warming
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Will Not Release Documents To Prove Global Warming
Indonesia’s Peat Fires Exceed Emissions from the Entire U.S. Economy
Did Cycle Theory Begin With The Discovery of a Rhinoceros?
Climate Always Changes
The Climate Change/Global Warming Crowd Paid to Produce Bullshit
The Agenda Behind Global Warming
NASA Says Fossil Fuels Cause Global Cooling — not Warming
1816 & Global Cooling from Volcanoes
Disease Is Cyclical — They Want to Claim It Is Global Warming to Raise Your Taxes
Global Warming Scandal Heating Up
Britain Hit with Coldest Winter in 58 Years
Dormant/Extinct Volcano Erupts for First Time in Recorded History
Snow in Hong Kong? No Possible Way — Or Maybe?
Digging Out of Global Warming
Historical Evidence of Climate Change Links to Political Change
Two Volcanoes Erupting Simultaneously
We are Headed into a New Ice Age – But When?
The Electric Crisis in Europe
NASA Reports Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
It Snowed in Hawaii?
The End of Global Warming — the New Ice Age — Bundle Up!
Snowing in July in Austria
Solar Physicist Sees Global Cooling Ahead
Cycle of War & Climate Change – A Lethal Combination
Global Warming Crowd Said All Ice Would be Gone by September 2016. Oops!
Sun’s Drop in Energy Output Stronger than Expected
Trump Picks Climate Change Skeptic for EPA
The new-Mini Ice Age Coming Rapidly
1901 Expedition Logbooks Confirm There is no Global Warming
The History of Climate Change — Empires Fall When Warming Turns to Cooling
Climate Change – the New Religious Cult
Bonds & Climate Change
Anti-Global Warming Scientists Are Hoping to be Heard
Global Warming – Opps – Ice Age – Hits Europe
Temperatures are Plunging
Europe Plunges into Deep Freeze
Worse Ice Storm in 10 Years Hits USA – Deep Freeze of 2017
NASA Finally Admits It’s Going to Get Colder
Global Warming is About Destroying Capitalism?
More Evidence Against Global Warming Surfaces
Trump Should Launch a Criminal Investigation of the NOAA – NOW!
Migrating Poles
Is Europe the new Destination for the North Pole?
Some German Politicians Come Out Joining Trump on Climate Change Calling it “Moral Blackmail”
Propaganda About Global Warming
Why Global Warming is Good
Climate Change & How It Has Made Us Who We Are Today
Red Tide & Blaming Farmers & Global Warming Yet it Conforms to Pi
Politicians Start to Run Away from Global Warming
Climate Change Scientists Backtracking On New Data At Last
Climate Change on the Horizon
Climate Change & Economic Activity
Ice Core Samples Prove CO2 Levels Lag Behind Temperature Increases
The Coming Cold Winter 2017-2018
Do You Really Think Politicians Can Stop Climate Change?
The Clear & Present Danger of a Global Cooling not Warming
The Approaching Famine
Climate Change – Earthquakes Caused by Complex Cycles (Part I)
Climate Change – Volcanoes (Part II)
Climate Change has Nothing to do with the Sun?
The Sun is Cooling Faster than Anyone Suspected
Solar Minimum The Fastest Decline in almost 10,000 Years
Climate Change – Is this an OMG Event?
Climate Change – As if it was not Supposed to Change
Extreme Volatility in Weather – Part of Climate Change?
Snow in the Sahara Desert – 3rd Time in 37 years
Greenhouses Gases Are a Product of Civilization for Thousands of Years
The Blizzard of 1899
Is Climate Change a Tool to Eliminate Democracy?
Japan Hit by Coldest Weather in 48 years
Did Aborigines Create Global Warming In Australia? Hello, Coming Ice Age?
Global Warming Conspriacy
Climate Change Conspiracy Against us All
California Counties Suing Exxon Commit Securities Fraud?
When Did Global Warming Theory Begin?
Climate Change – Catastrophic or Linear Slow Progression?
Canada Covering Up Global Warming Nuts Destroying the Water Supply
Global Warming People will be the Harbingers of Death
Russia’s Wheat Crop Fails?
The Atlantic Current if Slowing Down = Global Cooling
Agriculture & Global Cooling
The Crisis in Analysis – Is it Just Hopeless?
Milankovitch Cycles Prove Global Warming is Just Nuts
Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle
30 Years of Global Warming Forecasts all Failed
Is the Climate Change Preparation for the Pole Shift?
The Hunger Stones Have Appeared
New Study Islands are Growing not Sinking with Global Warming Conspiracy
Winter Arrived Snowing in Rome – Climatic Change events result Historically in an increase in Violence
Fake News is Unbelievable – When is Enough going to be Enough
Will Global Warming Sink the Netherlands?
September Breaks all Records for Snow Fall Because Obviously Canadians Don’t Pay Enough in Global Warming Taxes to Make a Difference
Is Nature Preparing for a New Ice Age or a Pole Shift?
Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever
Global Warming – Court Orders – Pathetic Analysis
Independent Audit Exposes the Fraud in Global Warming Data
Global Warming & Pole Shifts
Climate Change – Warming is Good – Cold is Bad
Global Cooling is Real – Major Temperature Low 2046?
Climate Change – More than Global Warming
Scientists Want to Synthetically Create a Volcanic Winter – Are they Just Nuts?
Global Cooling – not Global Warming, that we should Fear the Most.
Solar Magnetic Field Oscillations Confirm Global Cooling is Upon Us
Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity – The Global Warming Conspiracy
Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap – Modern Witch Doctor Analysis
Having Children causes Global Warming as the leading cause of 58.6%
The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself
Magnetic Poles Are Moving Rapidly as Never Before – Precursor to a Pole Shift?
Climate Change & the Blame Game has been going on Since the 1890s
The Clash Between Normal People & The Global Warming Crowd – Green Extremist Overlords
Weather Changing
Climate Change & Commodities
Nothing Can be Reduced to a Single Cause & Effect be it Markets or Nature
The Deep Freeze – Chicago is Colder than Antarctica
UN Admits Paris Accord Will Never Work
Setting the Train Track on Fire
Al Gore’s Global Warming Deliberate Fraud to Increase Governmental Power
Professor Easterbrook Testified Before Congress with Real Data Showing Global Warming Ended in 1998
Is this the Coldest Winter in 83 years?
Climate Change Conspiracy to End Steel & Plastic Production
2019 is Breaking All Records for Cold – The Real Threat is a Global Freeze
Government Ordering Agriculture Be Removed From Commodity Indexes
Food Riots of 1795 Due to Climate Change
Climate Change: Real – Fake – Exaggerated?
Aurora Borealis Warning the Climate May Turn Sharply Colder into 2032
Climate Change, Midwest Floods & Food Shortages
Climate Change & Democrats Refuse to Vote
Global Warming Hits London
The First Black Hole Has Been Photographed
Extinction Rebellion Turning Violent in London
NYC Bans Hot Dogs Adopting New Green Deal
Are we Heading into a Food Shortage?
Al Gore Forecast that NO Ice Would Remain at the North Pole by 2013
The Winter that Will Not End
The Grapes of Wrath – How to Keep Them Warm
Proposal in Europe to Kill Air Traffic Due to Global Warming
Chaos of Weather Record Heat Wave Coming – Fraud of Linear Predictions
Al Gore to Hold Australian Climate Change Event to Discourage Australians From Mining Coal
Climate Emergency – The New Justification for New Taxes
Climate Change & Solar Minimum
Climate Change – Hail Storm in Mexico & Snow in Norway in July
More Insanity from the Climate Group without Supporting Evidence
The Next Solar Cycle Begins in 2020 & May be a Panic Decline in Solar Activity
Has the Ice in the Arctic Ever Melted Before?
Antarctica Use to Have no Ice?
3,000 People Died in French Heatwave of 2003
Finland & Japan Confirm Global Warming Data is not Supported
Climate Change Has Not Impacted Polar Bears
Spotless Sun
Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?
Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries
Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s
Lenox Air Conditioner Manufacturer Cites Colder Temperatures for Decline in Sales
Sunspot & Climate Change
2016-18 Big Chill – NASA Confirms Global Cooling?
Pentagon Warned President Bush Global Warming Was Bigger Threat Than Terrorism
BP Forced to Sell Assets to Appease the European Climate Hysteria
Weather Was Also Extremely Volatile During ’30s
Germany Looking to Impose a CO2 Tax
Denver has the Earliest Snowfall Ever
The First Clean Air Act was 535AD
Climate Change That Ignores History
Why People Fail to Understand There are Cycles to Everything
Using Courts to End Fossil Fuels
We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?
The Climate Change Fraud Used by Marxists When Communism Failed
Winter Wonderland – Volatility in Weather & Communism
Theory v Raw Data on Sun Energy Output
Could We Ever Eliminate Fossil Fuels?
Eat the Babies to Stop Climate Change?
Climate Alarmists’ Fraud Exposed
Algae Sucked all CO2 out of the Atmosphere Causing a Virtual Ice Age
The Cycle of Climate Fear Tactics
The Fear Mongering of Global Warming
Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm
Climate Change – There Has Been No Warming for the Past 18 years
Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist Says We Need To Reduce Population
Setting the Record Straight on Climate
The Coming Big Freeze
The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed
Al Gore Was Also Behind the Panic in 2000 – Y2K Was Going to Shut Down the World
Climate Change Propaganda Campaign
Pole Shifts & Climate Change
Climate Data in Australia is Being Altered
ADVICE To Teenage Daughter Climate Response
Greta & Mother Living Lavishly?
Global Cooling Warning to the President
Greta Thunberg When She Can’t Read a Script from Greenpeace
The BS of Climate Change from Polar Bears to Taxes
Understanding Cycles
Charlemagne, Vikings & Global Warming