Tuesday 26 March 2024

The Martin Armstrong Scam on Zero Hedge

The Zero Hedge Site

For those who don't know the site, zerohedge.com is a somewhat difficult to describe in a sentence. In case you don't know it, I suggest that you read this article to get an idea (even though this article is somewhat outdated and I don't fully agree with it):

Zero Hedge, Russia, and the Business of Conspiracies

But here is what counts:

More than 25 times bigger: According to similarweb.com estimates, zerohedge.com has about 27 million visits per month compared with 1.1 million visits per month of Martin Armstrong's site armstrongeconomics.com

The Logical Connection between Armstrong Economics and Zero Hedge

Visitors of the Zero Hedge site are considered gullible and easily manipulated. Even though they may consider themselves seasoned critics because they have learnt to mistrust the authorities. But they have clearly not seen it all as I can show you with:

Martin Armstrong and his Socrates: The Conspiracy of the Cartel

Martin Armstrong wants to get as many of these people as possible to visit his own site where he runs his scam business. See:

Armstrong Economics - The Scam Business Model Exposé

For this reason, he aligns his own blog content with the content of Zero Hedge.

To exploit this alignment, he and his sock puppets and shills praise Martin Armstrong on Zero Hedge and he puts his Clickbait that links to his blog on the Zero Hedge site wherever possible and as often as he can afford to do it.

Martin Armstrong's Identities on Zero Hedge

It has been known by many for years that Armstrong's Zero Hedge main account is dustinthewind. I have verified this personally by style and timing analysis. You can browse his recent replies at his profile.

If you are more than irritated by what you see there, you may consider reporting this user at mailto:abuse@zerohedge.com

Candidates for his other current sock puppet accounts that he might be using personally are Francis MarxximusFrancis MarximusSkip59, which has gone through some name changes since Apr 17 2024).

While my earlier analysis indicated that Franzis Marxximus is Armstrong himself, I think there is a high probability that someone else such as Armstrong's strategic adviser Ashley Warren operates this account.

Some of his affiliated other current most prominent shill accounts are BugMan, MoralsAreEssential, smacker, Thomas Malthaus and Sparehead. I don't know who is behind these others, perhaps Armstrong himself, other members of his Inner Circle or just paid shills and fanatic cult members. Read more about examples of these fanatics at:

Martin Armstrong's Premium Cult Members

The strongest indication of sock puppet presence is the average count of up-votes that Armstrong gives himself using his sock puppet accounts which is around 5 to 6.

The Sock Puppet Master's Smoking Gun

A good sock puppet master manages multiple accounts, each representing a distinct character, such as having odd style elements like double and triple punctuation and different times of the day when they post comments, or that religious character who quotes the bible. But there is one weakness in this one-man band system: If the master is out of action, then all his sock puppets are out of action as well. And this is exactly what happened during Hurricane Milton and in its aftermath at around Oct 10 2024. He was forced to evacuate and his property would have suffered some damage. He would have faced a power outage like two million others in his area.

During that time, between Oct 10 and Oct 13, there was no content on Zero Hedge by anyone that mentioned Armstrong. Caught!

Martin Armstrong's Daily Routine

To discover Armstrong's daily routine I had to analyze the timing of his activities which involved the recording of his publications over several weeks.

Every day, at around 4 to 5 am Eastern Time or even earlier, he publishes up to five pages on his own blog site. As I wrote earlier, the subjects of his pages are aligned with topics that are trending the most on Zero Hedge. What is trending there is easy to measure by the count of page reads and comments that are shown in the Zero Hedge summary home page.

Only minutes later, he selects matching 3rd party content on Zero Hedge and  copies his blog pages, including formatting and links, as COMMENT into the discussion sections of the Zero Hedge articles. He often replies to his own comment with another one as continuation because of the 5,000 character limit for each comment.  He effectively re-publishes 80% of his entire blog in the Zero Hedge commends sections every day. 

This process takes him only a few minutes because he has access to the HTML source format of his own blog pages. He might be using what appears to be some copy and paste template that allows for easy transfer.

After up to eight comments of this type, he stops this and writes other comments, typically copied from pro Russia propaganda sites or just some of his own  rants. The number of comments that refer to his blog pages may reach 15 a day which typically the number of comments he makes per day.

Armstrong does not usually respond to other user's comments to his Zero Hedge pieces there using his main account dustinthewind. If at all, he uses his other accounts for this, effectively running a sock puppet show as observed elsewhere. For most users, this creates the illusion of depth and wider support of Martin Armstrong.

Depending on how safe he feels (my presence has made him feel unsafe), he reduces the number of marketing message and creates a balance with multiple messages that play to the tune of the general consensus. He does this simply to make his spamming activity less obvious. This approach secures his Zero Hedge account, an approach that he has refined over many years there and elsewhere.

After combining these activities with the time gaps between them, my statistics indicate that Martin Armstrong as dustinthewind alone spends two hours every day trolling Zero Hedge.

Once he has completed his task, he moves over to the next (smaller) forum and performs a similar activity there as I already wrote in Exposed: Armstrong Economics in The Free Republic Forum. Of course, in between he has to service many other internet assets that host / mirror his content. See an extensive but not complete list of them in Affiliate Sites and Channels

Armstrong's Main  Zero Hedge Articles

Zero Hedge publishes perhaps 50 articles per day, and I assume that this publishing space is up for sale. Once or twice per month, Armstrong gets his content published there. That content is often his interviews such as done by Interview host Greg Hunter. I guess that this business relationship further secures his comments account because Zero Hedge does not like to bite the hand that feeds it.

Armstrong's main articles are an integral part of his Populist Hot Button Topic Campaign. Read more at Campaign Structure and Operations. Because of this, it is quite predictable when his next Zero Hedge article will appear.

Armstrong's Illegal Activity in the Zero Hedge Comments Sections

Because all this has become very obvious to me, I gave Armstrong some challenges in response to these "comments" and his articles.

But as a professional trickster and liar he knows how to run the show and he is indeed well prepared.

He has multiple shill characters who come to the rescue as planned. Playing the numbers game, they form a small pack of dogs who defend him, creating the illusion of wider support. This tilts the balance in his favor because every challenger is outnumbered. They do not all go after the same challenger at the same time because that would be too obvious. They share the load and pop up here and there in isolation but in a coordinated way, often attacking the same challenger during the same day.

The striking circumstantial evidence of Armstrong's control of these shills is the following:

  1. The shills magically appear just in time when Armstrong needs them, just as sock puppets do
  2. The shills always post only AFTER Armstrong made his first comments as dustinthewind
  3. When I appeared to have overwhelmed or frustrated Armstrong, or when he was busy elsewhere, e.g. with an interview, most of his shills are absent as well which indicates that some of them are Armstrong himself or at least controlled by him.
A recent example (illegal):

"Francis Marxximus" at Zero Hedge Mar 3 2024 (emphasis added)

Advisor to many central banks.  read him [Armstrong] for years and made money on his computer models. It would be shocking at times how correct his computer would be. No human could do that. You are out of Langley or a wall street banker, That is why you have a low -negative score.

This activity is illegal because of the following two highlighted statements:

  1. Martin Armstrong is by court order barred indefinitely from association with a financial adviser. The claim that he advised government financial institutions such as central banks is criminal because it entices Armstrong's unsuspecting scam victims to seek his financial advice which he is barred from giving, based on this claim which is a lie.
  2. Nobody has ever made money on Armstrong's "computer models" as claimed. Armstrong's "computer models" are sold under the brand name Socrates as a service. In fact, Martin Armstrong lost over $700 million trading based on the signals of these models. More recent track records are available here: Socrates Subscriber Testimonials as well as Socrates Long Term Past Performance Review and other sources such as at the Armstrong Socrates Repo. Again, it is illegal to claim financial benefits from computerized financial advice which Armstrong is barred by court order from giving.

The profile of this notorious sock puppet is at Francis Marxximus

The relevant public document is:

Conviction Injunction (from Armstrong's Supreme Court Appeal, emphasis added)

Former associated person with an investment adviser was convicted of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, wire fraud, and commodities fraud and permanently enjoined from violating antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. Held, it is in the public interest to bar Respondent from association with any investment adviser.
Another example (same avatar but slightly different name):

"Francis Marximus" at Zero Hedge Sep 26 2022

How come every time I do a trade based on Armstrong's computer and make thousands on 1 day trades, people down vote me. But Not all. Then there is people like you that say his computer is a fraud. Yet Martin has hundreds of thousands of Subscribers to his Socrates computer.

On that page above there is a lively discussion between Armstrong shills who recommend Armstrong's subscription services. But the story does not end here yet.

Here is the next example. Martin Armstrong poses on Zero Hedge as a satisfied user with fake name "Francis Marximus". Please note when following the links to Zero Hedge, you need to scroll down to the comments section and wait a little. There might be access restrictions as well depending on how far back in time this conversation is. Francis Marximus starts the conversation as follows in the comments section of his Zero Hedge marketing page:

"Francis Marximus" at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022

I got armstrong subscription and been reading him for all of 15 years. He said many years ago that all Pensions will fail going into the great crash and burn. Not just Europe. All his long term subscribers and readers will back up what I am saying.

I counter this this as "ThoughtSplitter" at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022

You are a shill. Nothing could be further from the truth.


Socrates Subscriber Testimonials

and for you:

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill

 He responds:

 "Francis Marximus" at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022 (emphasis added)
Been reading Armstrong for many years. You are a friend of the bankers. They hate him.

If the subscribers hate him so bad, how come he has 150,000 subscribers to his Socrates?

I have made quite a bit of money off of his Socrates pro.
I can't help if a lot of simpletons don't understand trading.

I respond as "ThoughtSplitter" at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022

Hello Martin Armstrong. You ARE Martin Armstrong because nobody should know that number 150,000 except you, even while it is a lie (because if it was true then you would not be broke). You can't have it both ways - posing as a user and at the same time being the operator of that business and not be broke.

Did I fail to say you are schizophrenic? You have been running a sock puppet show for the last 40 years. Every man and his dog knows it.

Another user Nosey_Parker responds:

 Nosey_Parker at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022
Wow, MA just got ass rapped on ZH

User Nosey_Parker concludes later:

 Nosey_Parker at Zero Hedge Oct 3 2022
This comments section is the best one for a while. Evidence points to the actual Martin Armstrong coming on here to hawk his wares and shout down the debunkers is brilliant.

The question remains......

If these guys are so good at predicting the markets why do they need to go on shows like USAWatchdog.com to sell their 'secrets' for $50 a month?

Greg Mannarino seems like a nice guy but then begs for $5

Jim Willie is another, supposedly this super successful trade but always in need of a handout.

If I was some kind of nostradamus, I'd make a million or two then buy a nice house by the sea and carry on making a few hundred thousand a year 'working' a few hours a week, not lowering myself to go on Greg Hunter to hawk a crappy self published book or to beg for $10

From the example above you can see that I can identify Martin Armstrong without any doubt, catch him, get him to expose himself, with only TWO messages AND get confirmation from a third party. Because he is a schizophrenic liar.

The Zero Hedge administration deleted the above comments made by user Francis Marximus, comments that were the last ones made from this account. You can see in the profile  Francis Marximus on Zero Hedge that there are no new messages after Sept 2022. Apparently the account was disabled promptly.

However, Martin Armstrong (or his shill), true to his stubborn and intransigent style, created a new account with the same features. See the new user Francis Marxximus which appeared with the same profile picture icon on Nov 11, 2022 (please note the double x in his new name). It still has the same shill role.

An even earlier example (again illegal) where he used his first account (now deleted) with name "Francis Marx" with the same avatar:

I apparently annoyed him as "LetMeAskThis" at Zero Hedge May 15 2020

Check out this decades old scam:


He responds:

 "Francis Marx" at Zero Hedge May 15 2020 (emphasis added)
Not this crap again.

I've made a lot of money off his computer.

You bankers really hate him.

This multi year engagement shows that he is not just an occasional paid shill or a cult follower but a core member of Armstrong's inner circle.


An Armstrong shill prays to God to save his Zero Hedge Sock Puppet Account

Another of his sock puppet shill characters making similar claims is Skip59 (renamed 3 times to Forest43 then Bingo99 then 10Penny since Apr17 2024)

Since he keeps renaming his profile to evade detection and to flush previous messages from his profile, I record the last messages that he sent before his renaming and trivial replies:

His desperation can be seen in the following message:

Martin Armstrong Shill Skip59 on Zero Hedge on Wed, Apr 17 2024 

I don’t know why your so bitter towards Martin Armstrong but I’ll continue praying 🙏 that you get over it..!

When Armstrong starts praying then that usually means that I must have done a few things right. You can still see this message when clicking on the link. And nothing could make it more obvious that the account holder is Armstrong himself or a close associate because who else would pray to save his Zero Hedge account?


Why doesn't Martin Armstrong stop?

Faced with my exposé and my relentless campaign, one could expect that Martin Armstrong suspends his activities at Zero Hedge to avoid a complete meltdown of his business. But he did not stop. Here is my attempt of an analysis of

Martin Armstrong's Agenda

which partly explains why he didn't act as expected. If there is in fact anything that can explain his actions.

Read more at:

Exposed: Armstrong Economics in The Free Republic Forum 

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill 


Tuesday 20 February 2024

Exposed: Armstrong Economics in The Free Republic Forum

Martin Armstrong as delta7 and his Number Two Ashley Warren as aMorePerfectUnion have been hyperactive as Hyper Shills in that Free Republic forum for decades!

I am exposing them here for the first time, on Sun Feb 19 2024 as a worldwide first, breaking my own record.

My previous record was to expose Martin Armstrong, a single person using two fake IDs. This time, I expose two shills at once.



In that forum, at the time of Feb 19 2024, he has posted (republished) 134 armstrongeconomics.com blog pages out of his 500 of his articles there in total.

Being the Hyper Shill as I know him, true to his style, he likes to introduce himself as an Armstrong follower who greatly benefited from Armstrong. Example:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?" 

Be sure to visit the website for imbedded graphics, charts, supporting documentation, key dates.

I have followed Martin for 25 years- he has been spot on, so spot on he is the only independent financial “ expert” to have been called upon by more than a dozen governments…from the US ( Volkner, Trump) to China to Australia to England ( he was personal friends with Thatcher and is credited with saving the Pound when Soros destroyed it).

When challenged, he gives replies of a style that some people who know the truth about him are all too familiar with:

delta7 in "Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?" 

I have read Armstrong’s forecasts for 25 years- even back when they were paper newsletters.- uncanny.

Those that criticize him are “ unaware” of history and cycles. I post his articles from his website.

His computer Socrates is legend in governments and financial institutions.

Ironically, I have used the papers he published from his paper newsletters he wrote in his prison cell for style analysis to prove his identity. Even his spelling mistakes have not changed since then.

Interestingly, delta7 has been member since Sept 2002, but there is a 16 year gap of his publications (articles and comments) that includes Martin Armstrong's 11 years that he served in prison.

I was alerted by some members of the forum who suspected what was easy to confirm.


In that forum, at the time of Feb 19 2024, he has posted (republished) 12 armstrongeconomics.com blog pages out of his 250 of his articles there in total. He is certainly not Armstrong himself because he was active in the forum during Armstrong's jail time. He stands out when he defends Martin Armstrong following a script similar to that of Martin Armstrong himself:

aMorePerfectUnion lying in "Martin Armstrong's Bad Calls." 

You will not go to any other conference and sit next to central bank managers, family office leaders, etc. at the level of the armstrong economic conference.
I could not make any style analysis so my identification does not have the same level of certainty as with Armstrong. Why then am I convinced that aMorePercectUnion is Ashley Warren?

My conclusion comes from the understanding of Armstrong's business model, how it works and from the current state of the business. Martin Armstrong himself has given me many answers in conversations with me. The conclusion comes from a fairly small number of factors, based on logic that is simple to follow:

At the peak of the 2nd incarnation of his business (after he got out of jail), he paid a large number of shills, and the logic would have been slightly different then. But let me start there, where he made the following admission to me, fully exposing the criminal nature of his business. The communication is documented in a public forum here. I am quoting him as he replies to me directly via private message (emphasis added):
I have hundreds of people working for me creating YouTube accounts and other social media accounts posting positive reviews and feedback. I STILL GET fresh victims daily
Maybe you should come work for me? We could really use you around here. We have many aspects to our Ponzi scheme and you will be first in line and be a part of our inner circle purely based on the influence you have online and the threat you present against my business. We always pay our people the best and keep paying them for life just so they don't talk too much and God forbid tell the authorities...


The above was his last-ditch attempt to lure me into a partnership in his business, to recruit me, and to motivate me for deleting thousands of comment messages from hundreds of his YouTube videos.

Because in this message he admits that he pays shills and the fact that as the top man in his inner circle, he has been working as a shill almost 7 days a week for years, I must conclude that he expects at least similar work from the members of his inner circle. What else would they need to do for the money he pays them?

At this time, in Feb 2024, his business has reached a terminal decline, an the end of life period See:

The Defeat of Martin Armstrong

Given the facts that at the current time, there is only one person in the Free Republic forum who defends him, and that Armstrong most likely can no longer afford to pay hundreds of shills, I need to look only at the Martin Armstrong Inner Circle Details and focus on the guy who is closest to him and still claims to be his strategic adviser. 

Job done!

Monday 19 February 2024

Martin Armstrong Book: The Private and Local Money During Financial Crises

In this article I will introduce a Martin Armstrong blog page that he uses to sell a new book "The Private and Local Money During Financial Crises".

Then I will reveal his sales strategy, the trick he uses to sell the book (no, he can't sell the book normally because as usual, it is probably not worth buying).

Then I will show that Martin Armstrong is so sloppy in the production of his tricks that even a casual observer without any background can discover and verify immediately that his story is fake. At last I will produce further analysis that proves that his blog page title is pure disinformation.

Martin Armstrong's Blog Page

Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies


The Sales Strategy

The theme for selling the book is that he is so competent in the subject matter of the book that he even acts as an adviser of an acting head of state in that subject matter. This is false advertising, a misrepresentation of performance which is illegal.

The Shill Trick

Please let me remind you that Martin Armstrong is by court order barred permanently from association with any financial adviser, so a claim to advise a head of state in financial matters is fraudulent and the act would be illegal. See:


Therefore, Martin Armstrong uses a trick that allows him to make that claim nevertheless. He uses an anonymous shill who makes the claim on his behalf for perfect deniability. More specifically, he writes himself an email as described in The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick

No head of state would possibly use Martin Armstrong as an adviser because he has been exposed of making such fake claims before. See:

Which Government has asked Martin Armstrong for Advice?

Martin Armstrong's Claim collapses on itself

In his reply to himself, he writes:

I am not at liberty to say who I have spoken with because we have to sign confidentiality agreements.

It is a lie that Armstrong has a confidentiality agreement because if he had one, the publishing of his blog page would be the first and most prominent a violation of it.

Martin Armstrong's Blog Page Title is Disinformation

The assertion "Argentina to Permit Provinces to Create Own Currencies" is false. See:
On Wednesday, his interior minister sent a letter to La Rioja’s government warning that issuing its own currency was illegal and could endanger future funding for the province.


Further reading:

About Martin Armstrong's Books 



Saturday 11 March 2023

Martin Armstrong cherry-picks Bad Forecast Array

As I have shown in Socrates Forecast Array Nonsense, the turning points in the Forecast Arrays of Martin Armstrong's Socrates have only a success rate of between 20% and 25%.

However, he frequently posts cherry-picked success stories on his blog site that suggest otherwise, often saying that Socrates has never been wrong. Here I expose his fraudulent technique of achieving his objective in detail while at the same time exposing a flaw in the system that turned out to be a trap for his helper in the scheme.

The Bad Forecast Array

On Mar 9 2023, Martin Armstrong publishes a Forecast Array in The Dow Bounce & Socrates as follows:

Note: I occasionally use Armstrong's computer-generated numbers as published on his blog site without his permission which is covered by the Fair Use Doctrine.

The relevant turning point is on 06 Mar. This is a hindsight scenario, cherry-picked three days AFTER the event, again cherry-picked out of ten possible arrays that would have either failed or succeeded in predicting it.

The Forecast Array has to be seen in the context of the price chart it belongs to. Here I provide that context again as follows:

As you can see, the Forecast Array MISSED the first important turning point of 01-Mar after the prolonged decline. With this real life context, in the eyes of a trader, it becomes glaringly obvious that the 06-Mar turning point in the Forecast Array clearly incorrectly indicated that 06-Mar would be the low of that decline and not the high of the following bounce as Martin Armstrong's sock puppet suggests (see The Fan Email Confidence Trick).

An attempt to trade this forecast would have inevitably resulted in a trading loss. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that a Socrates subscriber would have come back to Martin Armstrong, reporting a trading failure as Socrates success. As usual, Armstrong is confident that he deserves the Nobel Prize for this glitch (quote):

Marty; I just wanted to thank you so much for Socrates. Where everyone seemed to be calling the market emotionally, Socrates’ forecast for this week was a target months ago and was very impressive. But the Daily Array picked the very day as Monday with a directional change and turning point. It is so refreshing to have a truly independent source. I know you laugh at the Nobel Prize and they gave the peace prize to Obama for trying to invade Syria. If there were a real prize in economics, you should be at the top of the list for your grasp of the world economy and creating Socrates.

Thank you so much


The catastrophic Implications and the fundamental Reasons behind them

The above is not an isolated case. It reflects a common misinterpretation or a failure in the evaluation, in hindsight, of the Forecast Arrays in general. A projected "Turning Point" or a high in the top Aggregate array, by the definition of it, targets either a low or a high on the price chart. This makes sense. Therefore, a projected Turning Point does not say whether it refers to a price high or a price low.

Therefore, in a statistical (hindsight) evaluation, one is tempted to register the match of a high or a low as a success. This leads to an evaluation mistake in case where the previous important turning point was missed.

This mistake is perhaps the simple most important one where the creators of the Forecast Arrays system did not know what they were doing, and it is perhaps the main factor why Martin Armstrong shot himself in the foot with it (he lost $700 million trading with it). If I didn't know what a devious person he is, I might even believe that he is so dumb that he still hasn't discovered it.

The Cherry-picker Scheme

As we know, Socrates does not provide historical data and statistics. So how then does Martin Armstrong find cases that fit his agenda such as this one without such technical tools?

The complicated answer is that he has his helper who does the job for him manually as advised, most likely for a fee because it is a lot of work. The name of his current helper is David Isham. He has a Facebook profile David Isham on Facebook and he is active on Twitter as David on Twitter.

He is also the most active hired contributor in The Facebook Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders Group.

So how does David Isham find these rare cases as he is facing the same problem as Martin Armstrong?

He has multiple of his own helpers. They are hapless Socrates subscribers who send him Forecast Arrays for their respective subscribed symbols. The trick is that these subscribers even organize these arrays neatly into separate folders (channels) for him so that David gets a timeline for each symbol to pick from.

So where does all this happen?

It happens in a slack.com private group "Socrates Study Group" that David Isham invites Socrates subscribers into. I was a member of it and I definitely know how it works. Here is a screen shot of that private group:

David invites the subscribers by contacting them in that private Facebook group. So Socrates subscribers have a lot of work to do, including the misrepresentation of the Socrates service that they have so much trouble with. So collectively, they are effectively digging their own graves.

Update: Armstrong pulls the same Stunt again

Four days later, Armstrong reacts to my blog post and tries to be right after all but he fails again:

On Mar 15 in There no such thing as Random Walks in Markets or Economics he publishes the same old Forecast Array and pats himself on the back using The Fake Fan Email Confidence Trick as follows (quote, emphasis added):

Marty, I really cannot thank you enough. Socrates called yesterday as the turning point and it was the strongest one of the week. We got the bounce when everyone was in a panic state claiming that the Fed would not have to lower rates...

... I am not sure just how much Socrates helps traders and society.


I do realize that Socrates could run the economy far better than any human. It is my hope that it proves itself over the course of now and 2032 and that people will look back upon these forecasts and at last comprehend that there is truly a hidden order in what people think are just random walks.
Here is the Array published on March 1st. It forecast the high for the 6th with a turning point, a Panic Cycle for the 9th, and then the turning point on the 13th for a low. This was clearly published in advance of the SVB failure. This raises the question, how can a computer possibly predict such a Panic would take place on the 9th long before anyone heard about SVB? This is NOT my personal opinion. You do not see me running ads saying this is the guy who had forecast whatever. Socrates has taught me a lot about market behavior.

Armstrong sells that 3/13 is the the strongest turning point and marks the low. BUT 3/15 IS LOWER! 

The 15-Mar bar that belongs to the new low is not the highest and therefore fails to mark the low.

And he cherry-picks this array out of  9 newer relevant arrays. Does he even have them?

Update: Armstrong Sucker explores Forecast Arrays with his own Twitter Service

While I was searching Twitter for my campaign targets, I found Armstrong Socrates Repo which seeks to find the holy grail, the hidden order, in the Forecast Arrays. At the same time, it appears to be promoting Armstrong's Socrates innocuously without any reference to or visible affiliation with Martin Armstrong.

It reminds me of an old Armstrong blog page. Read:

Does the Model Change Its Mind?

Here he wrote years ago about a pet project that he had in his mind. This project would apply pattern recognition (his GMW Global Market Watch) to the Forecast Arrays charts with the aim to make the perfect forecasts based on them. Quote:

There is a third approach, which is PATTERN RECOGNITION. My personal goal is to write the code to merge all three and then see what happens. Perhaps then it will be able to definitively forecast everything precisely in a unified manner – my version of a Grand Unified Theory. That would be really awesome. I am not yet sure that can be accomplished. Nevertheless, it is my project in the spare time when I can find some.

You might want to visit that service and donate your Socrates Pro snapshots if you are still subscribed.

See also:

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Shill 

Socrates Subscriber Testimonials 


Saturday 22 October 2022

Martin Armstrong and the Russians

Martin Armstrong has a connection with Russia.

Not so much as that he would have inside knowledge about Russia. Far from it. But he peddles Russian Propaganda. and he does that as desperately. Why? Does he need money fast?

As I have exposed on this site numerous times, he has nothing to sell except material gleaned during his internet trolling, most of it useless gossip and a large part of it disinformation and conspiracy theories.

So where is the Russia connection? We don't need to look further than RT.com 

Within a short time span of a week, RT.com interviewed Martin Armstrong twice. Here are the interviews where he peddles Russia's perspective. He promotes the interviews ON HIS OWN BLOG SITE (which is apparently part of the deal):


RT Interview on Russia-Ukraine War 

Posted Sep 17, 2022 by Martin Armstrong
RT reached out to Martin Armstrong for an economist’s view on the Ukrainian conflict. Click here for a quick interview that explains why Zelensky has no incentive to seek peace.

The video file can be found here:

Martin A Armstrong on RT.mp4


Another interview: 

Martin Armstrong: Green Agenda Caused The Energy Wars & Dividing The World Economy

The video file can be found here:


Later, on May 20,2024, he is in another RT interview:

Nobody really ever expected Kiev to win, it’s just a proxy war to weaken Russia – Martin Armstrong

But as usual, this is not enough. I doubt that these activities generate enough cash for him. Here, his pool of current and potential scam victims comes to the rescue. He exploits them, with the aim to sow discord which is in line with his money-generating hate campaigns AND in line with Russian interests to destabilize western societies. In this case, his central theme is manifested in his upcoming book 

Martin Armstrong Book: The Plot to Seize Russia

 This book is tightly integrated in his campaigns promoting his conferences, campaigns that include numerous other interviews where he discussed the upcoming book.

Things become a little clearer with consideration of his general hate of the United States. If this sounds extreme to you, please read: Martin Armstrong's Agenda

An unhealthy Cocktail

The above is not a conspiracy theory. Please try to see this from Martin Armstrong's perspective. It is a cocktail made from his revenge perspective, his limited but manifold options as a scam business operator, and above you can see the composition of this rather unhealthy mix.

And I want to make it clear to the Russians that Martin Armstrong is a dead duck because everybody knows everything about him as a criminal, crook and scammer.


See also:

Martin Armstrong: Putin takes Ukraine in Three Days


Tuesday 26 July 2022

Martin Armstrong: Putin takes Ukraine in Three Days

Martin Armstrong - always the smartest guy after the fact - reverses his forecast positions after his Ukraine war predictions flop

In World War III Beginning Stages Now Martin Armstrong writes (quote, emphasis added):

Feb 2, 2022
Putin has wiped out the air force and owns the skies over Ukraine. He could annihilate the country in less than 3 days, but he is not doing that to the West’s befuddlement. 

Martin Armstrong is clearly whipping up fear in preparation of the sale of his snake oil with the promise to profit from the unfolding events: At the bottom of his page, he advertises his new War Computer Report that he has not even written yet.


A few months later in WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land Grab he reverses his position as follows (quote, emphasis added):

Jul 16, 2022
Russia has been unable to use its air power because NATO is providing Ukraine with all the tactical information needed so they only need to turn on their radar minutes before launching and as such Russia cannot destroy those systems which have been supplanted by NATO.

Computer never wrong?

I can't report on one of his forecast failures without tripping over bigger ones in the process. Here they are (all Ukraine related):

Re-defines the objective of a failed forecast to match the new reality: War cycle high reserved for Middle East war (which did not happen) is re-defined and re-used for the Ukraine War

On Jun 12, 2014, Martin Armstrong gave us a lecture about conflicts in the Middle East driving his war cycle. In Brain-Dead Foreign Policy – Destabilizing the Middle East – Feeding the War Cycle he writes (quote)

The War Cycle is doing what it was intended to do. I have warned that this is going to be much worse that the previous cycles building in intensity and broadening to a global perspective.

On Jul 9, 2014, Martin Armstrong continues in  Crude Oil & The Future (quote)

It is poised to rally into 2017 and it appears this is lining up with our war models..

On Aug 2, 2022, in It’s a Matter of Confidence he uses The Fan Email Confidence Trick to give himself credit for forecasting that some kind of war would happen between 2011 and 2022 (emphasis added):

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not think people give you enough credit whilst they all pretend to claim they called it correctly just a couple of months ago. I was at your 2011 WEC in Philadelphia. A friend bought the ticket and dragged me there. I have to say, aside from your prediction that war would turn up in 2014 which coincided with Ukraine, ...

Predicts a Coup that never happened and pats himself on the Back for it

On Jun 24 2023, Martin Armstrong Russian Coup & Civil War again uses The Fan Email Confidence Trick to pat himself on the back for predicting a coup and subsequent civil war (which he didn't) and which never happened (quote):

COMMENT: Marty, Socrates has simply outdone itself. You warned that Putin could face a coup by May/June 2023. That was a year ago. Nobody can beat Socrates, as you said at the WEC, not even you. Your gift to humanity is why they hate you so much.

After the event of course. But there was no coup! Nothing to see! He didn't get it. It was not a Russian coup and it was over on that day. The fact that he did not see this from his vantage point clearly indicates that he is clueless about Russia, Putin and military matters in general.

On the same day, he advertises three private blog posts on the subject behind his news letter paywall "Private Blog".

Computer never wrong?

I think I have made the point once again that his forecasts are complete bullshit. And he knows it.

If you really need further explanation of how these forecasting tricks work, please read:

Martin Armstrong's Economic Confidence Model (ECM)

Economic Confidence Model, just a play on numbers of 8.6 

and Socrates Forecast Array Nonsense.


Please see also:

Major failed Predictions

Martin Armstrong's Informant Behind the Curtain

Martin Armstrong The Hyper Fool

Tuesday 5 July 2022

Martin Armstrong Cult Member quits Socrates after 15 Years

Sufficiently dismayed

Below is the YouTube testimonial of a Martin Armstrong cult member quoted in full. It took him over 15 years to finally discover that he has been scammed. Not without the help of this site.

Please note that "Canadian Day trader" who practiced the well-established shill routine. Most likely, that shill is LateralusYellow, that figure that runs the Reddit Armstrong Economics Fan Forum and had a brief stint in The Facebook Martin Armstrong and Socrates Traders Group.


In a YouTube post Bill W comments on the YouTube video  (his channel has been deleted after this was posted):

Martin Armstrong: The Collapse of the Republic  on June 26 2022:

@Lui Bunting  Ok!  I just spent 2.5 hours reading through your site.  It has raised sufficient questions for me to think carefully about my experiences.   Keeping it very brief, I have always enjoyed Martin Armstrongs historical take on economics.  I attending his Orlando conferences in 2016 and 2017 and then once more in 2019.   I met a Canadian Day trader at the 2016 event who seemed intelligent and unpretentious. He said that he now foley used Socrates for his trading and it earned him a very good living.   I finally joined the Pro Socrates for about 3 months in 2018.  I was still working and a member of many other sites and advisors at the time but decided I would see what it had to offer.  I was a bit disappointed and downgraded a level shortly after.   I have received about 4 or Martins reports including the Trade of The Century.  History lesson was great BUT I noticed there seemed to be a fair a mount of repetition in the material and there was really NO "how to do it" at the end of the book.  I also purchased the Manipulation of the World Economy book and once again found it interesting but somewhat repetitive.   Your site reinforced some concerns I have had about Martin's blog for a couple of years now.  I agree with a lot (not all) of what Martin says about what is happening in todays world.  However, I had already begun to get frustrated about the way he would answer questions on his blog.   The questions always seem to be, well from perhaps less intelligent folks and rarely did they address any detailed deep issues but rather broad and often self congratulatory  towards MA.   I also noticed the typos and wondered why these were not addressed.   As regards Socrates, I often purchased the market reports, not expensive, but noticed occasional errors in the reports that got the price for say gold or oil completely wrong in the report.  I could not understand why that would happen.   Finally, much is made of the Socrates tool being right at certain turning points e.g 1987.  The Sovereign Bond Crisis for me started around 2012 as the ECB and the EU embarked on a course which will bankrupt that EU market BUT that 2015 date didn't not seem to produce a big event.  I would argue the big event is happen now!  Additionally the much flaunted March turning point for this year seemed like a fizzle as well.    I think his predictions about the dollar and the US market soaring have some credibility since I agree with the thesis that money will likely flood into the uS when the financial crisis in Europe and probably the far East get going.   
HOWEVER, what your site has done is raised these nagging concerns I have been having about Armstrong, his writings and his model over the past 2 - 3 years.  I am blessed with funds and have never committed any to Martins forecasts (so no losses).  But I am now sufficiently dismayed so as to pull my $50 monthly subscription (not that big compared to a couple of others I subscribe to but certainly 2-3 times that for some other advisor sites that actually make specific recommendations.  Consequently you site has had an immediate effect.  Not sure why you dont post a link to your site for all of MA's videos.    Took a while to trawl through your material but thanks.

It looks like nobody is immune against being a fool.exploited by Martin Armstrong.

Even Prof Dave Collum of  the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at New York Cornell University quotes Martin Armstrong's gossip on his Twitter account:

More dangerous than covid... on July 30 2022:

Judge Seals Middleton Case

Thereby promoting that criminal and supporting his noble cause. I guess that is where the New York tax dollars go. What an irony! Remember: Don't shoot the messenger, because that's MY job!

See also:

Martin Armstrong and his Socrates: The Conspiracy of the Cartel 

About Martin Armstrong’s Books 

Martin Armstrong's Socrates 

The World Economic Conference WEC

The Martin Armstrong Scam on Zero Hedge

The Zero Hedge Site For those who don't know the site, zerohedge.com is a somewhat difficult to describe in a sentence. In case you don...